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That night I couldn't sleep.

And it wasn't just because I saw Ace or what had happened between us. Maybe it was some part of it, but the real reason was because of the moon. It was crazy and it should have been the last thing on my mind after today. But I couldn't help but think about how it seemed so distant, how the glow of it seemed farther now. And I knew how insane that sounded when I even thought about it. It was just when I was on top of my car lost in my thoughts, I felt like I was so close to the moon that I could reach out and touch it. 

It was as if I could grab on and escape from the gravity of the earth. Now, I was back in my old room, old life and everything was the same. It was all the same except for me. I was different, I had changed hadn't I? I wasn't sure. Sometimes I felt like I changed. But then I would think if I let myself get sucked back in everything I wanted to get away from, was I really that different after all? It was a lot to think about and my mind wouldn't stop racing. 

All I wanted was to go back to the nights when it was just me, under my car and the only thing I had to worry about was the silence. The last thing I had ever wanted was to go back to being trapped and tied down to a life I never wanted. But I didn't have a choice, not after my father made his presence known. I knew he wanted me to play the perfect daughter and make his fiance happy. It wouldn't have been been the worst thing if he wasn't related to her. I grumbled and turned away from the window, wanting more than anything to stop thinking and to fall asleep.

But before I knew it, the sun crept up on my wall and I was still wide awake. So finally I decided to get up for the day. I threw my covers off with a sigh and went to my bathroom. It was in the when I was in the shower, and my thoughts were finally felt clear that I let myself relax. I just let my mind drift under the water that pelted my skin. For a moment, there was no thoughts, no worries about what was next. That was until there was a loud knock on my door. I was so surprised that I stumbled and almost fell before I caught myself.

"Summer, hurry up in there." Shit, fuck. It was fucking Brent. Why was he here right now? I knew we used to sneak over to each other houses, but he'd stopped that a while ago. And I thought last night I had set boundries between us. I guess I wasn't clear enough. I'd have to be more clear next time."If you don't come out soon, I'll come in there and get you." He teased, and I knew he was trying to get me say yes. That it'd be okay for him to come in. But all it accomplished was pissing me off.

"No!" My reaction was instant, I could feel bile burning at the back of my throat. I hoped my reaction was clear enough to let him know it was the fucking last thing I wanted. I like to say I couldn't believe he'd try again, but I knew from years of being his best friend that he was very persistent. When Brent wanted something he usually got it. It was how he got me, by preying on my feelings and swooping up to take advantage of how small I felt. 

What he didn't understand was that I had grown over our time apart, and maybe it wasn't a lot but I knew it was enough to understand how much of asshole he was. I knew what he did to me was not how a best friend treats another best friend. But yet try as I may, I couldn't seem to fully tell him off. There was something stopping me and I wasn't sure what it was. I thought it could be based on the feelings that still lingered for him, even though I knew it wasn't love. I knew after the summer with Ace, I couldn't have been in love with him.

"Okay, I was just fucking kidding." He sounded hurt, a little dejected but I knew it was better that way. If we could just set boundries then maybe I could have him as my best friend again. Nothing else. "Fuck." Brent cursed and walked away from the door. As soon as he was gone I let out a huge sigh of relief, thankful he actually listened for once. After he left I finished my shower, but not before scrubbing away the dirt that lingered on my skin and giving my hair a generous wash.

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