introduction & information about the story.

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Hello, so this chapter is just a bunch of information about the characters in the story and I know I should've written this before beginning the plot and adding chapters.
Pretty genius of me I have to say-

AND the characters in this story are NOT I repeat NOT based on real people BUT their Minecraft characters and personality online personality.
This is a Minecraft ship story you are reading if you have forgotten.

And also this is a DNF mafia au if you are interested in reading and interested to read my other story then drop a follow if you want :D

Okay, let's get into it.
I am bad at introductions but just bear with me here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Clay Anderson is a 20-year-old Floridian young adult who is a son of a powerful and rich 40-year-old mafia boss.
The names are made up it's for the story.

This is the Twitter for the artist that drew this gorgeous masterpiece https://twitter

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This is the Twitter for the artist that drew this gorgeous masterpiece

The cover of the book is how dream looks like, changed it

Has two sisters named: larain, gaby.
His mother divorced his father but his mum is dead- so...

His family is..well..messed up and I know we all relate to a messed up's okay we can go through this.

His childhood best friend goes by the name "sapnap" met at 1st-grade elementary school.
Became brothers later on.

His job is well-staying by his father's side protecting him and helping him with fighting, murdering, meetings, missions, signing paperwork Etc. you'll see.

Sapnap Anderson a 19-year-old Texan, born in Texas, moved to Florida, adopted by a Floridian mafia boss after being left by a sidewalk by his abusive father.
Again names made up just for the story

Has 0 siblings, biological mom is dead.
But at least dreams mom used to adore him no matter what.
And nana babys him whenever she needs to.

His work is: staying beside his father, protecting him, you could say that his work is being a bodyguard but there are somethings as well like: signing paperwork, protecting the base and of course missions.

George Davidson, 19 years old, was born in the UK, raised in Florida.
Family: Ranboo Davidson, Marie Davidson. David Tyrus sadly passed away on the way home from a family dinner.
All these names are made up it's just for the story I repeat.

His work is basic: Taking orders, making them, serving them, then receiving a good paycheck.
He loves his job but hates his neighbourhood, full of dangerous people.
Gangs, mafias, old hags stealing for money.

Messed up as well right? He can get kidnapped anytime now.

I am joking.


I'm just going to shut up

I will continue later, don't wanna spoil the rest of the characters in the story :')

I will continue later, don't wanna spoil the rest of the characters in the story :')—————————

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Decided to add this so you can picture how the cafe looks better :D.

Can't Let You Go [Dnf Mafia au]Where stories live. Discover now