Kenichi's Introduction

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Kenichi's POV:

I'm Kenichi Todoroki, and all I want is all villains to perish under my lava. That's the introduction you're going to get.

May 16th, 2146 in Toronto, Canada. Twelve years since I was born, six years since my mom died. A little more than six since the incident.

Villains took my mom away. Villains took everything away. From everyone.

Why do they get to live?

The injustice...

"Happy birthday Kenny!" A familiar voice called out behind me and slapped my back.

Shinju Shirokage, the 17th sibling of the great Shirokage mafia, the only good one out of the 22. Also my best friend, one of the only friends I've had since...the incident.

"You didn't have to do that, Shinju..." Right behind Shinju was none other than Ryker Cullivan, my other best friend. His parents were heroes, but they weren't very good ones.

Neither of them were scared of me, which made them good companions. Exactly what I needed.

But there was one singular problem.

The incident.

October 15th, a day like any other, or that's how it was supposed to be. I was five. Doing five year old things. But I was quirkless. Or, well, seemed to be.

I was bullied for wanting to be a hero. I was bullied into thinking my dreams were dumb. By bad people. By villains.

I killed a kid one day, one of the bullies. The worst one. His name, Cornelio, would stick in my head for the rest of my life. I killed him with my quirk that I didn't know I had; a quirk that allowed me to create and manipulate lava.

I could kill and burn evidence of murder. Which is why today, on my twelfth birthday, Shinju made a proposal that would change my life forever.

We were walking to his house. One of them, anyway. It was cold, like any day in Toronto. Snow fell and began to pile up. But Shinju insisted that he had a gift that would change my life.

After many moments of silence, Shinju started the conversation.

"We're very alike, Kenichi," he said. "We have motivations that compliment each other."

"Where are you going with this?" I muttered.

He didn't respond, instead he jumped the fence to his backyard. I followed him, but carefully opened the fenced backyard instead of jumping it.

Around the corner of his house, I stared in awe at the vehicle standing before me.

It was a motorcycle.

"Dude, how did they let you buy this?" I asked, walking up to it to get a closer look. "Is this one of the newer releases of the Yahama?"

It was red with orange and yellow fire along the bottom edges. I noticed there were magma patterned decals here and there. It looked exactly like how I'd imagine a bike would be made specifically off my quirk.

Shinju reached into his pocket and pulled out keys, twirling them around with his finger. "Know how to ride one?"

I shook my head.

"I'll show you, I got a motorcycle too," he said.

I ran my fingers along the handlebars and looked back up at him. "How will I repay you?"

"Remember how you told me that you wanted to kill all villains?" Shinju asked.

"I want to be a hero," I told him. "I want to avenge my mom. Nobody should have to watch someone die, or be scared to walk the streets, or be robbed, hurt, killed..."

"Mhm," Shinju said.

"Do you think I can achieve a goal like that?" I asked. "Is it all in my head?"

"I was thinking... we could be a team," Shinju proposed.

"A team?" I echoed.

"A team," he confirmed. "We could kill villains together. For money."

"For money?" I narrowed my eyes. Why would we need money?

"My brother, Kenichi," he said. "I gotta get him out. Of jail, that is. Money talks. We could both get what we want."

"Money talks..." I muttered.

An idea that had never struck my mind before, but was so perfect that I couldn't resist.

I wearily put my hand out, and Shinju took it, firmly, and shook it.

Little did I know, this one decision would affect the course of my life forever.

We gathered up members, like Kingo Hano-Díaz, our first division captain, and Fox, Aaron, and Hifumi, the rest of the captains.

We worked on solidifying our goal, we had Ryker look for recruits, and we settled on our very own name.

The Bloody Mambas.

A name that would change my life forever. A gang that I could put my trust into in order to achieve my goal. To avenge my mom. To avenge the public and the lack of justice the heroes provided.

My name is Kenichi Todoroki. Don't you forget it.

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