Coda's Origin

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I stood next to the ocean water, terrified to even take a step in. The blue of the water faded as it went on, looking like a seemingly endless hole...

It was terrifying.

"Come on, Coda, I didn't drag you all the way here to America with me for you to not get in the water. You've got your old man's quirk, and you need to grow accustom to it." My dad walked over to me and stepped into the water, transforming his legs and arms into octopus limbs. "You're a natural swimmer with this quirk, and you can breathe underwater, so I don't understand why you're so scared."

My parents said that they always knew I had my dad's quirk; my mom had a basic quirk that allowed her to stretch her limbs, and I had gils on my neck at birth so it was pretty obvious who's quirk I acquired. I've had my quirk since I was four, like most kids, but I didn't actually figure out how to transform my limbs until a few days ago..

And though I'm seven, I'm still scared of water and what could be deep inside it...

My dad took my hands and pulled me towards the water. Fear spiked up inside of me, but I kept quiet so my dad wouldn't get upset. I didn't want to disobey him after all. And if I could breathe underwater... it wasn't going to be a terrible experience.

I transformed my limbs to those of an octopus, and my dad gave me a smile. "Can you do it on command?"

"It kind of just.. happened.." I mumbled.

He pulled me away from the South Carolina shore and into deeper waters. I started to feel less scared and more.. free. He let go of my tentacles and I started to swim on my own, following him farther and farther away from land. This isn't as bad as I thought it would be...

"See?" My dad said, practically reading my thoughts. "I told you it wouldn't be bad. Are you starting to feel less queasy?"

I nodded. My dad's voice always had been soothing, and it was relaxing to hear him comfort me. "Try swimming underwater now." My dad dove underwater, and I could see him signaling me to join him. Though reluctant, I followed him, diving into the deep ocean.

I stared in awe at all of the colorful fish and coral that awaited me. Sea creatures of all shapes and sizes swam underneath the sea. My dad looked back and smiled at me.

I was starting to lose air, so I signaled my dad to swim back up. But when I looked overhead, a giant boat was over us two. My eyes widened with terror; how were we going to get back to the surface?

My dad noticed and turned around, trying to guide me back to the surface, but the boat covered too much water. At that moment, I knew I was going to die. There was no way around it without it being too late.

But suddenly, I saw a flash, and I felt myself being grabbed by an arm. I tried to look and see who it was, but they were going to fast for my to get a good look.

In seconds, we were on shore. I was finally able to see who saved us; it was a tall woman with a shark tail, and gills on her neck just like me. It was.. a hero. She's really pretty, too...

"Thank you for saving my daughter and I. I could not thank you enough." My dad transformed back into his human form. "Are you a hero? What's your hero name?"

"Pro Hero Speartooth, nice to meet'cha." She shook my dad's hand. "It was no problem helping you and your daughter here, it's my job after all."

She got back into the water and swam away, the same speed as when she had dragged us to shore. I transformed myself back into my human form and stared out into the ocean, mesmerized.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have dragged you out at such a young age. I was wrong to do that." My dad apologized, sorrow filling his face. He was probably upset about the fact that I could've died.

"It's okay, I got to see a cool hero up close." I smiled at him. "Do you think if I practice enough swimming.. that I could be a hero and swim as fast as her, and save people?"

My dad's expression shifted into a smile. "Of course you can! A hero's job is dangerous, but definitely very honorable... I think you would be perfect for a hero's role, Coda."

My eyes lit up and sparkled at his praise. If my dad said I could be a hero, then it was definitely possible!

And even after he died of cancer when I was eleven, the words he told me on that day stuck with me.

I'm Coda Yushiro, and I want to become a hero who can give others strength and courage, and lift them up from tough spots.

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