Therapy Session

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Izora's POV:

After being healed up by the staff of Toronto Hero Academy, I stared blankly at the top ten list. I didn't make it. Maxwell made it. Draven made it. Sasha made it.

Coda made it.

I felt ashamed that I lost to the executor, but there was nothing I could do now.

"You did the best you could," Coda assured me. "And even if you weren't top ten, you still could easily be accepted. Just wait until you receive your letter."

Later on throughout the day, as soon as the recaps of the entrance exam were posted, I watched them. I watched team number six, the group I was placed in. It showed a lot of clips of robots being destroyed and the judges making comments but there was this one scene that when it played, my heart stopped.

Kenichi Todoroki, destroying an executor with absolute ease, then going down to Coda.

Then I saw me, right next to another executor, ready to strike.

Coda didn't give me details about the whole being knocked out and injured thing, but when I saw Kenichi himself save me, I was in a shock. As cruel hearted as he was, without knowing rescue points even existed, he saved my life. Me, an ex Gold Viper.

"Why would he do that?" I thought aloud.

"Who did what?" Coda, who I forgot was even in the room, asked.

"Oh just—" I turned my laptop around, "I'm watching the highlights. Kenichi saved me?"

Coda averted her eyes. "He just jumped into action when I explained the situation."

Heroic instinct, something I've familiarized myself with greatly. When without hesitation someone jumps into action even if it would inconvenience them. Even if it'd take their own life.

And processing the idea that Kenichi had done that was a lot to take in.

I shut my laptop and narrowed my eyes. "Was it possible that somehow he did know about rescue points, and in an effort to show off and make himself seem like... maybe to clear his name from what he's done?"

"Or," Coda walked over and sat on the edge of her bed next to me. "Maybe he did it because it was the right thing to do."

"That isn't Kenichi," I said.

"And how do you know that?"

"I just do."

"I think you have a lot more to learn about him."

I snorted. "You're funny, Coda, if you think I'll try to learn anything about him."

"Can't hold these grudges forever, especially if you're his classmate," Coda muttered. And hopefully I'm not.

The brief silence was broken by some distant yelling from outside Coda's window. We both turned and peaked out her blinds.

A pink afro caught our eye. Of course, Sasha, but what was she doing here? In the driveway she was arguing with Cole, Coda's brother. He seemed to be a bit intimidated.

"She knows your address?" I turned to Coda.

"..I don't remember giving it to her." Coda mumbled. "Let's.. let's go see what she needs."

We got down the stairs and put our shoes on, and went out the door. Sasha had her hand on her forehead, clearly pissed off.

"Sasha?" I called.

She looked up at both of us. "Finally, Jesus, I've been waiting forever."

Cole awkwardly shuffled back into the garage.

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