The Bloody Mambas

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Kenichi's POV:

I stood in the Graffiti Alley, watching soon-to-be members of The Bloody Mambas pour in. Ryker stood beside me, notepad in hand, writing down all the names and quirks of these people. I didn't know the news would spread so quickly; I guess I was right to leave the recruiting up to Ryker and Fox.

But where was Shinju?

"Hey." I felt someone hug me from behind, and I knew it was Shinju. "Sorry I left you hanging, I just was thinking some things over."

"Cut it out." I muttered, separating his two hands from around my waist.

Shinju brushed it off and continued. "Well, Ryker, looks like you've dragged in quite a few members. I hope they're all strong, maybe I can get them to brawl with me to test their strength! Are you thinking about joining yourself?"

Ryker shook his head. "I'm just helping you two out, just leave all the background work to me, but I will not be joining the gang. Can't have that on my record."

Shinju sighed. "Be that way. When are you going to start this meeting, Kenichi?"

"It's 6:53. We still have seven minutes, and I don't see Aaron anywhere." I said. "If he's bringing people then he better hurry it up, Ryker can only keep track of so many. And I assume this meeting will only last a half hour at most."

"How does it feel being a leader out of all of these people?" Shinju asked, still admiring the crowd.

"Terrible." I replied. "Some could be traitors, some could want to kill me, who knows who I can trust. You're the only one I can fully trust, Kingo is a big maybe. I don't want to make a mistake and trust the wrong people, then be manipulated. I'd kill anyone who tried to do that to me, that's for sure."

"We know. But I promise I'll be a good underboss and make sure nobody is doing anything sketchy." Shinju promised. "And besides, Fox's division is taking care of all the traitors. You have nothing to worry about with all these people supporting you. Even if there are traitors, the good people here will show their true colors by rebelling against them."

Something about Shinju's words made it seem less like a hassle.

Maybe this gang was a good idea.

"Alright!" I shouted, finally seeing Aaron turn the corner by himself. "Let's start the first official meeting of The Bloody Mambas!"

Everyone came to a pause, and directed their full attention at me.

"I am Kenichi Todoroki, and this is Shinju Shirokage! We are the heads of this gang!" I went on. "You will follow his and I's orders over all others, even your captains! Any rebels or traitors will be punished by me and the fourth division!"

I heard the crowd murmur about Shinju's last name, which reminded me; Shinju's family was a gang itself. But he doesn't use a fake last name at school, so I'm guessing the police don't want to get involved with his family.

"I am Ryker Cullivan!" Ryker spoke up. "I am not apart of this gang, but you've all met me! I will be supervising and recruiting members from afar, so don't forget to respect my name as well!"

I nodded at him. "As you all know, the divisions go as so! Kingo is in charge of the first division, Hifumi is in charge of the second division, Aaron is in charge of the third division, and Fox is in charge of the fourth division! More divisions will be added if divisions become more and more crowded! And vice captains will be picked next meeting!"

I heard Ryker whisper to me, "Kenichi, you're doing such a great job asserting your dominance. Just keep it up and I think this ragtag team will shape up quick."

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