Go, go, go!

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Kenichi's POV:

The area for the practical exam was huge. Lots of open space and obstacles, perfect to show off my skills. But we were all rationed out by power level, and I found myself to be among the most powerful; none of my friends were with me.

I looked around to find faces of those I knew, and my eyes widened when I recognized some. Maxwell and Izora, both directly related to Zay himself. I didn't even know Izora was healed up already, but she had her game face on. I tensed up too, getting mine on as well. I wouldn't let them outshow me.

I saw a bunch of other kids, even kids with mutation quirks. One who really stood out to me was this kid with giant crab arms. She looked vicious, muscles bigger than I've seen on anyone. (8) I noticed as she had her sleeves to her uniform rolled up, a giant scar across her shoulder. But as if any of these kids will do better than me. I'm Kenichi.

"Kenichi?" I whipped my head around to see who was talking to me. It was... Coda.

"Coda," I mumbled. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," she replied. "I didn't expect you to get out so early."

Who told her? I thought to myself. "Just recovering."

She nodded, "Good luck."

She walked away, towards Maxwell and Izora. Their faces lightened up when she approached them. My eyes narrowed. They're not villains, Kenichi, they're people.

There seemed to be a few minutes left before the practicals started. I looked around and realized everyone was clearly avoiding me, and I saw quick glances shot at me. Keeping a smile from creeping on my face, I ignited a single one of my fingers with lava. I clenched my fists and retracted it back into my body. When I saw a few of the kids tense up, I knew I had this in the bag. (0)

Over the speakers, a voice boomed, "Welcome to Toronto Hero Academy's Practical Exam, team number 6!"

A silence reigned over.

"Before the test begins, I would like everyone to be rationed out into three groups; Emitter quirks, Transformation quirks, and Mutation quirks. If you're not sure, there's exact definitions for each category listed on the left wall." They said.

I always did question whether my quirk was an emitter, transformation, or mutation, but I was sure it was a transformation quirk. Sure it could emit lava, but it changed my body in the process, and the lava was a mutation to my body.

I walked towards the transformation group of kids despite my concerns. Coda and Izora were both there, Izora didn't even make eye contact, and neither did Coda.

The speakers squeaked and then spoke again, "One minute will mark the beginning of the exam!"

I rolled my short sleeves above my shoulders and cracked my knuckles.

The time ticked. And ticked.

Three. Two.


I took off, running at a reasonable pace as to not waste my energy. I could hear the loud noises of clanking and clobbering from the robots that are supposedly as strong as a first class villain. But I doubt that's the case.

Skidding around the corner of the site I was assigned to was a giant gray robot, a two-pointer. I had read on the practical exam pamphlet that there were four different kinds of robots, Victory, Imperial, Venator, and Executor, that all weighed different points. The more points they were worth, the harder it was to beat them, and all but one were worth points. One of them was just an obstacle, although it was the hardest one of all.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now