The Final Battle

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Kenichi's POV:

This was the end.

It was unsure which side was winning, but so many of my members and Zay's members were down. Hurt. Maybe even dead.

And I was just off to the side.

My blood boiled inside me. It was time to destroy Zay for good.

My hands turned to lava. I ran through the crowd. Zay narrowed his eyes, and he let out his scorpion tails.

And it was my time to strike.

I blasted as much lava as I could without risking overdoing it. I watched as he dodged most the hits, but some started burning a few of his scorpion tails. I could see the pain in his eyes, which was fulfilling, but I wasn't nearly done. Not yet.

I wanted Zay dead.

Let's review. Killed Aaron, an important piece of a prophecy that he told me, I ignored it because I didn't think it was important, I was wrong. My gang might be in trouble and I'll pay the.. prong? Either way, he kidnapped Coda, who had nothing to do with us, just to lead us to all this fuss? And on top of that his hair is ugly.

That makes me feel way better. Even though I don't know how to rhyme.

He kept stabbing the ground right in front of me but I kept a unpredictable zig-zag pattern to avoid being hit. All gangs know that if the leader goes down, they have no chance of winning.

So you better believe I won't back down here.

I thought of when the gang was first formed. Just a gang looking to make some money off of killing bad people, Shinju's genius idea. Then it grew a lot more than I thought it would. We've made so much money for Shinju's brother, and if we want to get the full amount to get him out..

I cannot back down here.

I blasted lava into one of his scorpion tails abruptly, and he let out a cry of pain. It cut it choppily off, and made him fall to the ground, clearly in shock.

I wasted no second of this moment to run closer to him. He looked absolutely furious.

"Just give up already!" He yelled. "I'm not gonna hurt you, just run!"

I looked at him confused. Now that I thought about it, he was aiming right in front of me, not at me. This isn't the Zay I know. I don't know his plan, but when he killed Aaron, he did it without hesitation.

And he hates me a considerable amount more than Aaron.

"Don't underestimate me." I growled at him. "I'm not an idiot. My guard is not easily folded."

"It was a deal with Kingo. I can't hurt you, nobody can, or it'll break the oath." He hissed. "Just let me win this. If I lose.. my parents... the Shirokage's..."

He looked like he was about to panic. "Please." He whispered. "I need to win this!"

I didn't know whether to believe him or not. Whatever deal that Kingo and him made.. for him not to hurt me, and nobody else to..

It seems like something he would do.

I glared down at him. I didn't know what I could even do.

I knelt down and placed my hand on his forehead. "Zixin." I told him. "You'll never win against me."

I watched tears form in his eyes. It was satisfying.. but not satisfying like everyone else I killed. It didn't feel like I was killing a villain. It felt like I was killing a person.

Something tells me Zay was put up to this against his will.

My hand turned to lava as I churned his head down into nothing. A smile crept on my face. It was the perfect murder.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now