An Epilogue

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Maxwell's POV:

Izora had overdosed the day Coda and I had visited.

I truly thought she was going to die. I cried so much with Coda, I thought I would cry all the water out of me. But she got sent to the mental hospital and stayed there a while.

She has been in and out for four and a half months now, and I think this is her last time. I did get to see her during visitation recently, and she seems to be doing a lot better, but our first visitation still haunts me. The one I went to with Coda..

We were both sat in front of her with her therapist by her side, and she was wiping tears from her eyes. Coda and I were sobbing, as much as I hate to admit, and Naga was even upset. She apologized for everything, and especially to Coda, and talked about how her past trauma came back to her at that moment and she just wanted everything to end. It was truly a frightening experience.

Then she talked about wanting to become a hero.

My parents were heroes. They were not that spectacular in popularity, but they did do their job and they did it well. Coda and her talked about being heroes together, since Coda had always wanted to be a hero and she was applying to Toronto Hero Academy. I sat off to the side.

I mean, would someone like me really be destined to become a hero?

Killing my own family and all, though I know it wasn't my fault, I just didn't know if I could be redeemed. That, and my quirk.. Naga...

I feel like I would be too powerful as a hero. But wouldn't that be a good thing?

I don't know. I wouldn't want to go to a hero school, though. Maybe I'd want to start an agency.

Many thoughts of that nature were going through my head, and even know I still think about it.

Stories about the whole event were dying down, and "the anonymous killers" were outed to be The Bloody Mambas, a gang. Hundreds of bad people were killed and crimes were dying down around Toronto, but the heroes didn't seem too happy. Luckily, since the gang split up, they weren't paying too close of a mind. Only to find out who the leader was.

And the leader was Kenichi Todoroki of course, Fireant's son.

They would never lock him up.

And I knew that would cause problems later on.

But right now, in the present, business had to be dealt with. And this business involved the Shirokage's.

Kylo and I reported to one of the many Shirokage bases to drop Zay's body off. Kylo was instructed to leave right after Zay was placed on the table.

The blood was still fresh, since he was kept in Kylo's realm, but his face was completely severed into nothing. He looked terrible.

"So this is the power of Kenichi Todoroki." Rinchi muttered, sitting down with Ichirou and Kenji.

"No wonder Shinju affiliated himself with him." Ichirou put his chin on his hand. "I have a feeling that he's going to do big things in the future. If you haven't heard about Shinju leaving.."

"Kenichi doesn't give two shits about the Shirokage's anymore." Kenji flicked a cigarette on the floor. "Which means he might want to destroy us now. If he can kill Zay, an absolute master at his quirk and used as our little puppet for all this time, then he could probably kill all of us."

"Don't be so stupid." Saburo spoke from the dark corner of the room. "Kenichi is of no importance anymore now that his gang's gone."

It hurt to hear them talk about Zay like he was just a toy, but it pained me even more to hear them talk about Kenichi. Looking into the future, Kenichi's got a lot more up his sleeve then they anticipate..

"Let's start this, anyways." Ichirou interrupted.

Ichirou, the oldest son of the fourth Shirokage family. Supposed to reside in India, but decided to settle in Toronto instead with the second Shirokage family. He's the one with the most power and control, he's the one who has the most respect, and he's the one with a quirk called Clone.

Not only can he clone himself and others, he can also clone the dead into an alive version of them.

Zixin Liu is a clone. A pet. A puppet for them to experiment with.

He's been now cloned three times. Once when he was a kid and first was used. Second when Kenichi collapsed the quirk drug site, and now..

After Kenichi killed him a second time.

He's not the only one who was cloned.

The six people who went to the drug site; Zay, Rinchi, Orion, Anxo, Draven, and Sasha. When cloned, one aspect of you is different, whether it's appearance, personality, anything.

Rinchi's scars were more healed.

Anxo was completely dead; a full zombie all the time.

Draven turned a lot more anxious and introverted.

Sasha was a lot more.. angry.

Orion got a lot more quiet.

And Zay's changes? Nothing I could notice.

And I tried to warn them that they would die, but they did not listen. The only one who even fought with their full quirk was Zay, they underestimated them so much.

But they could be cloned again, right? So it didn't matter?

Well not only would you have to have the person's body, at least their heart, they wouldn't be the same. The tiny aspect of them that did change would always make them seem like a shell of who they once were. They're not like robots at all, no, they could definitely pass off as real people and they are..

But they're never the same.

"This procedure doesn't leave this room, got it?" Ichirou said to me.

"It doesn't leave this room." I confirmed.

As Ichirou placed his hand on Zay's heart, I instantly saw his dead corpse disappear.

And on the table, Zay laid, his eyes opened slightly, blinking off the sleep that was much more than that.

"Where am I?" He mumbled.

"Home." I told him. "Welcome back, Zay."

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