The Darkening Sky

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Zay's POV:

"Heads up, Gold Vipers!" I yelled, my words echoing among my gang of ragtag villains. "I've got a couple people to introduce you to, two friends that have been by my side for years. Us three will shape this gang into something bigger and better!"

The voices from below me satisfied me to the core. I nodded, hoping the two guests could see.

My best friends, and partners in crime, Maxwell and Izora.

"Everyone! Welcome Maxwell and Izora, vice captains of The Gold Vipers!" I announced.

Cheers grew from among the crowd of members. I scanned them until I locked eyes with Rinchi Shirokage. I expected for him to give an approving nod, but he just tilted his head down, breaking eye contact with the highlight of his glasses.

"Hey, hey, listen up!" Maxwell snapped. "Let's get the deal straight, this is what I'm here for. We gotta trash The Bloody Mambas and leave them all in horror. Become the number one in Toronto and then in all of Canada, then we can have the world in our hands, like the lions to the savanna! We'll-"

"Enough rhyming." Izora scoffed. "What he's spitting out is right, but this is a serious matter. That gang has caused nothing but trouble among us outlaws, and Kenichi Todoroki is the head of it all. We'll end up taking his head when we're done with him and his crew, now who's with us?"

The cheering came to a stop after I put my hand up. "This'll either be the best experience you've faced, or the worst. You better prepare to be fighting for your life."

I could feel someone putting their hand on my arm. I jerked my head and Maxwell was pulling me away from the front of the crowd.

"Naga and I are afraid of the outcomes sir, not to bother you with a terrifying occur.." Maxwell started, rhyming again. "But, see, The Bloody Mambas are a vicious force and I'm scared that this will cause unnecessary discourse. If you had stayed in the gang from inside it could've been taken down one member at a time. However, Aaron wrecked that plan I know, but I feel as if we need to wait for this gang to.. grow?"

"You're a wise one, Maxwell." I muttered. "I know what you're saying might be true, but I want this to be executed as soon as possible. Remember the end goal is to eliminate their gang; how recklessly we do it and who gets hurt in the process is of no concern to me, unless it's you, Izora, or I."

Naga's tongue flicked with distaste, hissing something in Maxwell's ear.

"The future is distorted with no one right path, but I'll tell you what you should do, though you did not ask. Find Kingo Hano, teal hair and oral arms, tell him to follow you and that you mean no harm. Tell him you'll set him up with Kenichi, empty promise, get him to tell you about the gang, he'll be honest."

Maxwell went on. "Tell him you hate Aaron, he shares the same view, tell him that you'll get him with Kenichi if he works for you. Once he does, collect information and store it, have conversations with locals, turn them on it. The Bloody Mambas will catch the attention of the police, the gang will disband, and Kenichi will retreat."

I nodded, taking in his words. "Anything else for me to do?"

Naga hissed in Maxwell's ear once more. "All we can ask of you is to think this through, but the future of The Gold Vipers is all up to you."

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