Burning Through the Blinds

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Kenichi's POV:

"You need to stop, Kenichi!" My dad screamed. "You need to fucking stop!"

He threw me into my bed, letting go of my arm that he had severed marks in. I felt so hopeless, so lost, I couldn't even fight back. I couldn't even say anything.

"You've got to understand that your actions have consequences!" My dad yelled. "If I wasn't a hero, do you know what would've happened to you? You would've been executed, that's what. I can't keep saving you, you just have to stop!"

Through the stinging of my tears I said, "Dad, you wouldn't-"

"What? Understand?" My dad growled. "I've tried my hardest to understand you, but there is nothing to understand. You don't know when to quit!"

To hear my dad snap and get so angry at me was terrifying. I stared at his face in fear as he took a deep breath.

"Just stop, alright?" He said. "I'm sending you to Toronto Hero Academy, that's where you're going. You're going to become a hero and have a special after school behavioral class. I've already got it all arranged, and I'm sure your friends are going there too."

I didn't say a word to him. Toronto Hero Academy.. I know my dad went there. Apparently it's one of the world's best schools, but not nearly as good as U.A. I want to go to Japan just to be at the same school All Might went to. If I can do that.. maybe I could show Shinju...

Tears started falling down my face at the thought of Shinju. I tried wiping them as best as I could, but I could feel my dad place his hand on my shoulder.

"What is wrong with you, Kenichi?" My dad asked. "I don't get it."

"I want to kill myself." I cried. "I want to die! I don't understand why it has to be me!"

I didn't even look him in the eye, but I could hear his breathing stop. "Kenichi.."

"Leave me alone!" I yelled, pushing him away, but it didn't do much because of how big he was. "I hate you! I hate everyone!"

I could hear my dad leave my room slowly, and as soon as he shut the door, I walked over to my desk. My vision was limited, but I grabbed the scissors in my drawer.




I cut my hair.

As much as I could do without looking like a complete idiot. I watched chunks of my hair fall on my desk, and I just kept cutting until it was all out of my face. I hate this. I hate everything. I hate Shinju!

I burned the tip of the scissors with my lava to a sharp point and started stabbing my arm. Drawing more and more boiling hot blood. Every stab meant every slice I wish I could give Shinju. Every stab withdrawing every touch, every kiss, every look that he gave me.

When I finally looked in my mirror to see what I did, I almost gasped. My hair was lopsided and terrible looking. Blood was all over my arms and my face, as well as my clothes.

And my eyes, just like from the alleyway incident, were bright red.

Ryker's POV:

Milo and I were going on our first official date.

I had planned to ask them out months ago, but everything happened and all the injuries that went on kept everyone busy. Milo was taking care of Fox; he had completely blown out his vocal cords, every last one of them. He was physically mute for the rest of his life, and could only have certain foods and drinks since they could easily spill into his lungs.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now