Into the Underground

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I awoke in my bed, irritated about the fact that I could hear banging at my door. "Damn, I have school tomorrow, at least let me sleep in."

I had snuck home from Aaron's in the middle of the night so I didn't have to interact with my family. It worked, but I must've passed out as soon as I got in bed. And I slept in my clothes all night, damn.

Whoever's at the door better have a good reason for why I've woken up.

I got out of bed and combed my hair with my fingers as I made my way downstairs. I opened the door. "Who the hell-"

"Hey Kenny." Shinju stood there, with Akihito and Ryker beside him. I stared all three of them down; why the fuck were they up so early?

"We actually need to bring you somewhere." Ryker stated. "Shinju will take you on his motorcycle-"

"I'm not ready, and I have my own." I spat. "It's too early for wherever you're taking me."

"I'll give you a kiss if you come with us. I'll even help you get ready." Shinju stuck his tongue out at me.

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm coming, but I can get ready myself. Just wait outside, I'll be out in like fifteen minutes."

I went back up to my room and hurriedly got myself ready; I brushed my hair, put all my earrings in, and put clothes on. I slid my phone into my pocket and put my shoes on and walked out the door, glaring at all of them.

"Let's roll." I muttered, getting on the back of Shinju's motorcycle.

Shinju walked up to me and cupped his hand around my check, kissing me. It lasted ten seconds before he pulled away. "Getting better, Todoroki."

"Hah hah." I watched Shinju get on his motorcycle and start it.

Ryker started his too. "Hang on, Akihito."

"I never rode a motorcycle before." Akihito mumbled, wrapping his arms around Ryker. "I've seen gangs like yours in Japan, near where my mom lives. But I never got to ride on one. Is it scary?"

"It's so fun!" Shinju stuck out his tongue. "I can do so many cool tric-"

"Absolutely not." I stated. "We're not showing any tricks."

"Party pooper." Shinju started the motorcycle.

As we rode, I noticed that Shinju was leading us to where Graffiti Alley was. What are they up to, what are they planning? Shinju doesn't have enough authority to call a meeting.

He's certainly not mature enough to do anything of the sort.

As I expected, Shinju pulled up to Graffiti Alley. Ryker pulled up beside us and parked his motorcycle, and I could see the members of The Bloody Mambas gathered.

"Kenichi!" Kingo yelled, running up to me and hugging me right after I got off the motorcycle. "Glad to see you lead us through those ruins! After Shinju told me the plan, I was so excited."

"Woah, woah, woah, what?" I turned to Shinju. "We're going where?"

"Surprise." Ryker awkwardly said, putting his hand on the back of his neck. "A discovery was made, at least thats what Akihito and Shinju told me. Apparently in some underground ruins there's a bunch of quirk enhancer drug sites owned by the Shirokage's."

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