A Love Blossoming

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Coda's POV:

I woke up to something touching my skin.

Izora had left and didn't come back. At the hour and a half mark, I tried going to sleep, and I had been able to. I thought she wasn't coming back, and that maybe convinced Zay to let her have her room. But this goddess of a woman was clinging onto me, and I could barely breathe.

I was able to tilt my head down a little to look at her. She looked so much more calm and relaxed then she did when she was conscious. When she was awake, she looked like a mix of stressed and really horny, which did not compliment each other well.

"What're you doing?" I whispered. I didn't get a response, so I thought she was knocked out asleep, but she groaned and put her hand farther up my side.

"The floor was hard." She mumbled. "You're- your bed is.."

She trailed off. I assumed she was about to say something along the lines of 'you're not', but maybe she wasn't.

Now, I am very comfortable with my sexuality, being a lesbian and all. I think women are hot, and I'm not so keen on men romantically or sexually.. so far. And Izora was really making me...

She shifted a little, putting her head right above my chest. I could feel my heart pounding, and I really hope she didn't hear it.

But I have bad luck.

She let out a small, exhausted laugh. "Your heart."

I didn't say anything.

"You're relatively quiet." She said.

"What am I supposed to say?" I mumbled. My eyes were starting to close. "You're kinda pressed up against me and.."

"Do you like women?" She asked.

"Why are you asking me this?" I shot back.

"I like women." She said, laughing again, this time softer.

"I do, too." I answered honestly. She didn't answer back, so I assumed she had gone to sleep.

Yet I couldn't sleep. Not only because she was practically on top of me, but because I knew tomorrow wasn't going to go well.

I was sat at a table next to Kingo Hano, the man himself. Zay, Maxwell, and Izora were on the other end, along with a bunch of other members that I didn't know at all. Most of them seemed menacing, and I didn't want to be under their gaze anymore.

"Kingo has joined The Gold Vipers." Zay said. I was extremely confused; Kingo was already a captain in The Bloody Mambas. Did he really leave his gang to join his kidnappers side?

Kingo stayed silent, so I did too.

"I'm giving you the chance to join too," he told me. "Coda Yushiro. Join us and we will be sure to protect you from the dangers surrounding this city and that goddamn Kenichi Todoroki."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Izora did it for me. "She said she doesn't like to fight."

Zay narrowed his eyes. "You know a lot, observer."

"I know everything, leader." She responded.

I felt uncomfortable. I was scared of what my mother thought, and what my siblings thought of my sudden disappearance. That branched off to what their reaction would be when, and if, I return. Would they be mad that I went off to hang out with some gang members? Would they be relieved that I'm alive at all? Maybe they'd be interested in my story?

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