The Gold Vipers

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Kenichi's POV:

After the first meeting with Zay in the ruins, I thought he was dead. I had blasted and destroyed the entirety of the quirk enhancing farm. So why the hell was he alive, and even worse, tormenting me and my gang?

Claude was right last night; I was taking a huge risk.

I was sitting against the wall of Graffiti Alley, a hour early, waiting. Trying to process what I was getting myself into. If all went well, the deaths would only be on The Gold Viper's side. But worst case scenario..

I would die, and possibly all the others.

Then who would carry out my dream?

But I could hear footsteps coming towards me. I immediately scanned the alleyway and saw a flash of blue hair.

"Your shadow hands can't hide everything." I growled under my breath.

Shinju revealed himself and stood a few feet away from me, staring down.

"What? Just going to stand there looking dumb" I asked him.

"I was really scared that you killed yourself after that call." He said.

"It's not like you would've cared." I told him. "I ruined you and I ruined the gang. Now we're all going to die."

"Listen," Shinju started, "I'm sorry, okay? I snapped and I didn't mean what I said."

"And how am I supposed to know that?" I retorted.

"I know, and I knew you would say that so that's why I held off an apology." He muttered. "But I don't care if you don't believe me or accept it. I know what I believe and I know what's true."

I narrowed my eyes. "Have you heard of All Might? The world's Symbol of Peace, the one that's in Japan?"

Shinju looked at me weird, maybe stunned by the topic change "Yeah?"

"I'm going to be the next Symbol of Peace, but I'm going to do it right." I said, standing up from my seated position against the wall. "Stopping villains with a smile, what a joke. They all get out of jail a few years later anyways, and then torment more people. It's like the hero system never learn."

"Killing is wrong no matter who it's to." Shinju argued.

"Oh, so we're just going to let villains kill and do nothing about it?" I growled. "They removed the death penalty, they're working on making prisons more bearable, this is what the villains want! I'm going to kill them all so they never hurt another person again. I'll be the Symbol of Justice."

Shinju raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're not backing the wrong horse."

"Of course." I said. "There's nobody who can save this twisted planet like me."

The Bloody Mambas were gathered. Everyone with their uniforms, everyone with their battle faces on, and I stood at the head of them, proud of the army I've gathered.

Ryker looked the menacing of them all, surprisingly, pure anger stained on his face. Next to him was Okimi, who looked almost just as mad. They're ready to avenge Aaron and take back Hifumi and Coda.

So am I.

"Bloody mambas!" I shouted across the alleyway. "Today marks the day that we charge right up to The Gold Viper's base and fight for our lives! I see potential in each and every one of you, and this may be our shot to make our big debut! 53,823$ made just in a few months, and counting, so we can all reach our dreams!"

I closed the silence with my final message. "Bloody Mambas, get on your motorcycles, and we shall charge into battle!"

I got on my motorcycle and started it, waiting for the rest of the members to get theirs started.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now