Aaron's Origin

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(Mentions of Suicide, self harm, and needles)

I sat in an alleyway waiting for my mom to return back from her job.
"She's taking so long." I mumbled to myself. "I wish I had a watch. I don't think that gas station wants me to keep going in there just to find out the time."
After my dad left, since he was the one supplying all the money for my family, my mother had to sell our house and move to the streets. She used that money to buy nice clothes and get a job, but she completely forgot about me. What if she ends up leaving me like dad did?
I shook the thought away. My mom was doing this for us, she would never leave me. Maybe she was working overtime. Yeah, to make extra money.

But a few hours passed, and she was nowhere to be seen.

I got up from the alleyway and started walking the streets to a nearby restaurant. I stared in, my eye catching on a TV, which was turned to the news. I squinted my eyes and read the words on the bottom of the screen.

Three found dead at a local retail shop. Witnesses say a villain broke in and shot all three of them, Jack Heine, Kaleb Park, and Jess Hawk.

My heart froze; Jess Hawk.. that's my mom! I pushed back the tears in my eyes and starting running towards her workplace. I could hear my heart racing, as if it were about to beat out of my chest. Without my mom, I would be alone for the rest of my life..
Suddenly, I bumped into someone and fell back onto the rough concrete. "Ow!" I exclaimed, glaring up at the person who got in my way.
"Watch where you're going." The man muttered. "Where are you off to, anyways?"
Tears started streaming down my face.
"Oh come on, you didn't hit me that hard. Here." He helped me up as I wiped the tears away with my arm.
"My mom.. she's.." I choked over my words. "She's gone.. she's dead.."
"Where's your father?" He asked.
"He's left a few months ago.." I cried. "I have no siblings, and I don't know any of my family.."
He narrowed his eyes. "Come with me."

I ended up at the man's house. It was decently sized, looking to be a two floor house with a basement. He invited me in and told me to sit on the couch. I sat down and watched him pick up a phone and walk into another room, closing the door behind him.
Mom... I hope he tries to find Dad again..
A few minutes passed by, and he came out, putting the phone down. "What's your name?"
"Aaron Hawk." I mumbled.
"You're just Aaron, now." He stated. "I will allow you to live with me and my son, since I pity you."
I looked back down at my lap. "You could just send me to an orphanage. It doesn't matter anymore."
"Orphanages are terrible, I know that much." He retorted. "Which is why I want to give you the best life here. No child deserves a fate like yours."
"I'll make you proud." I promised.
"Are you enrolled in school?" I shook my head, and his eyes closed. "How old are you? Shouldn't a kid your age be in one?"
"I'm eight." I replied. "I homeschooled myself with my mom's phone."
"I'll enroll you in some real education. I can tell you have some potential." He muttered. "Welcome to the family, Aaron."

I learned that the man's name was Oak, and he was a rich businessman who worked for a detective agency and managed heroes. His son was barely ever home, but his name was Bronx and he was cool. And today, he drove me to my first day at a public school.
I jumped out of the car and waved goodbye to him, and turned to face the school. Everyone was gathered around the school grounds. I realized a few feathers were poking out because of my quirk, and my legs were replaced with chicken legs.
"Hey! I haven't seen you around here before." I looked up and saw a tall, brown haired kid. I noticed his hand was lit on fire, so I assumed he had a fire quirk. "Mutations don't belong here."
"Oh, it's not a mutation. I don't always have these.." I tried to turn my legs back to normal, but they wouldn't turn. I started getting impatient, and stomped my foot on the ground, evoking a laugh out of the kid.
"Go kill yourself." He spat.
With those three words, he turned around and walked away. Kill.. myself? Why would I do that?
But everyday, that same kid came up to me and told me to kill myself. Slurs, swears, ripping my self esteem bit by bit. He said that if I told anyone he'd kill me, and that I should just cut myself up with blades, needles, and knives. And when I finally did it, he laughed at me and told me to kill myself again.
I had to bare that for years without telling anyone. And now, I don't have anything to live for.

So when I heard about Kenichi's gang, I decided to devote my life to getting rid of people like him, and putting my meaningless life in his hands...

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