All I'll ever be is a Failure

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As I walked back to my own house, Shinju and Ryker were the last things on my mind. There were worse to take care of, and the thought of losing anyone due to my actions...

Thank god nobody followed me, they would've been killed along with the rest of those stupid villains, and it would've been all my fault.

I approached my house and walked in, nobody running downstairs to greet me like my sister always did. My brother wasn't telling me to fuck off or go back outside. My dad wasn't there to ask how my day was. The house seemed.. empty. And without my mom, all of us were disconnected. Even though I tried to shield and protect Mika at the least, there was nothing I could do.

I'm a failure.

Everyone's always told me otherwise every time I said anything along the lines of that phrase, but it's true. And now, I realize that more than anybody. All this time I've wasted by dreaming away and wanting to become a hero when that's not who I am. I'll never be a good hero, or anyone good at all.

"I'm a monster." I whispered to myself. "And I'm going to kill everyone."

Everyone does bad things. They lie and steal and cheat and make people's lives miserable because they have miserable lives. And there's nothing you can do about it, you only have the choice to be apart of it or not engage. But if you wanted to put an end to it, then what?

Then you might as well give up.

Many thoughts ran through my head at that moment. It wasn't until my dad called my name that I snapped back to reality.

"Kenichi." My dad said. "I need to talk to you in my room."

"Rare for you to be home." I grumbled understand my breath, glaring up at him. "I thought you were too busy at work to pay us a visit. Or is it that whenever I do something wrong it reflects badly on your stupid hero career and you want to put an end to it, and go back to doing hero work and forgetting that you have a family. Is that what you want to talk to me about?"

My dad narrowed his eyes and starting walking to his room. I followed reluctantly, pissed that he gave no reaction to my speech.

"I know I haven't been around often but I want to be there for you now. I've realized that." My dad started. "So I want you to tell me everything that went down during that fight."

"Why do people keep asking me questions about things I can't control? I'm not pathetic, I know I was stupid letting my quirk get like that but what else was I supposed to do?" I clenched my fist. Opening my mouth to continue, my dad cut me off.

"Those uniforms, explain those." My dad questioned next. "Where did you get them and why were there a bunch of kids your age wearing them?"

Thoughts of stress filled my body, and I felt like I couldn't stand up for any longer. I can't tell him the truth, but I can't lie either. I don't know what to do anymore...

I kept silent, and my dad went on. "Y'know, Kenichi, you seem to be having a rough time lately. I've noticed through your report card that your grades have been dipping. What's going on with you, and if it's that Shirokage disaster-"

"He's nothing like his family!" I snapped.

"Well from numerous reports he's been sighted participating in those activities, so frankly he is like his family." My dad shot back at me. "And I do think he's the reason, and I don't want you hanging around with him anymore."

I could feel my body heating up, but I physically couldn't make any more lava. I inhaled deeply and glared up at him, showing him the red eyes I was hiding from him. "You know nothing about me or him, so fuck off!"

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now