The Truth About the Shirokage's

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Shinju's POV:

"Hey, Shinju!" One of my brothers came from behind me and put his arm around my neck. "Help us rob this gas station! It's pretty close and I don't think there'll be heroes nearby to catch us!"

I turned around and recognized one of my brothers, Enkai. Out of all 22 of my brothers, he was the seventh oldest, and definitely one of the most street smart.

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled. "I'll go get my mask."

"Attaboy!" My dad came into the hallway and swooped me into a bear hug, clearly drunk. "Enkai is in charge so don't disobey him, or you'll end up like some of your other siblings!"

Nine at the time, I was the 17th sibling. Placed right in between Koumori and Notan. My oldest brother was 25, and the youngest was three, Tomoru. But now that I'm twelve, the oldest is 28 and the youngest is six.

Living with a big family meant my older siblings mostly took care of the younger ones when they could, but it wasn't a requirement. Even Tomoru could take care of himself for the most part. If anyone dared to cry or complain, they were forced to do terrible jobs.

This was especially true if they were quirkless.

Amida and Kinan are the only quirkless ones in my family, and they acted like the servants of the household. Amida even had to spend a year in juvi for one of my other brother's crimes. That's why when I got my quirk at the age of four, I was so glad that I wasn't quirkless, and that I could help out my family the best that I could.

That is, until the situation with Tora happened.

"Let's head out, Shinju." Akuma called out.

"I don't know why I'm not in charge, I'm the oldest of us four." Tora complained. "But hey, I guess Enkai is a pretty good mastermind. I trust that you won't get us into any trouble, brother."

"Yeah, yeah." Enkai's face flushed. "No need to rub it in. Let's go do this."

I hopped into Enkai's car and put my mask on over my head, making sure to hide the tufts of blue hair coming from my mohawk.

"Ready to roll, Shirokage's?" Enkai asked. All of us nodded, which gave Enkai the cue to start driving towards the gas station.

The entire drive, I couldn't help but admire Tora. I had been adopted into the Shirokage family, but he was the only blood related family member I had. Even with a ten year age difference, we're so close. I hope I can grow up to be as cool as him someday!

"Hey, we're here." Enkai pulled over a few blocks away from the gas station. "I'll stay in the car and wait for you three to come out. Make it quick, and only use your quirks if you have to."

"We'll be fine!" Tora got out of the car. I followed, with Akuma close behind.

"Let's get this done." Akuma grunted, rolling his sleeves up to reveal a series of scars that ran up both of his arms. "If we get caught then it's all over for us."

We kept close to the buildings until we eventually got over to the gas station. My brother Akuma's quirk was Predict, which was a basic quirk that allowed him to accurately predict outcomes of any problems or situations. That not only made him a good addition to any team, but also great for when you forgot to do your homework the night before. Speaking from experience, here.

"Should we break in through the back?" Tora asked. Tora's quirk was Illusion, which allowed him to use his shadow to create illusions. While it didn't sound so powerful, in action it could really pack a punch and even confuse the opponent. But there's no use for quirks in this mission because we've got this in the bag!

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