Kenichi's Demise

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Kenichi's POV:

I got let out of my solitary confinement and instead put into a mental institution.

I've heard about these places, but not once had I ever thought I would be in one. They must think I'm crazy, but they're the crazy ones.

Shinju's the crazy one. For leaving me.

I got my hair fixed up from my dad, he was in near tears while doing it. Bandages wrapped the entirety of my arms, and they said I was lucky I didn't die that night. I wish I had died that night. Anything would be better than this.

I sat at a desk, and right across was a therapist.

"Why do you think you're here, Kenichi?" They asked me.

I couldn't tell you why I was here. It was no different from me overusing my quirk. I lose blood either way.

"I don't know." I grumbled.

"I know you're going to be a tough one." They told me. "But I'm going to do anything in my power to help you."

"You can help me by getting me out of here and taking this visitation off my permanent record." I snapped. "I'm never going to be a good hero if everyone and their mother knows about this."

"When you're out of here, I assure you'll become a fine hero." It pissed me off how they didn't care or even bat an eye at my tone.

I was out of that room as soon as I came.

All the other people I was with looked actually crazy. They should be in here for a way bigger reason than me.

I did meet someone, however. She seemed to be in a similar situation as me, getting thrown into some average hero school, that is. Toronto Hero Academy in the hero course is where her parents put her into, the same school I was. She wouldn't give a name other than Heartbeat, which is what her quirk was.

Heartbeat. She could amplify other's heartbeats to cause paranoia and anxiety to extreme points. As cool as that did sound, it also sounded like a quirk suited for villains. I mean, why would a hero want to cause paranoia and anxiety to others? And can that even be controlled? Is there a range or one person at a time?

"When are you going to tell me your name?" I asked Heartbeat. "I doubt your name is Heartbeat."

"And what if it was?" She spat.

"Then I'd laugh at you." I said bluntly.

"You're lucky I haven't laughed at that goofy haircut of yours." She retorted.

She had a lot of sass, didn't she?

It was nice having someone like me, however. It's already bad enough that I had to be at this place alone.

They put me on antidepressants and something else to keep me sane for the duration and even when I get out. It cleared my mind for sure, and it allowed me to think about the whole Shinju thing rationally.

Only to come to a conclusion that nothing about him or the situation could be thought out rationally.

He used me. He used me to make money to get his brother out of jail. He used me to get rid of competition villains so that the Shirokage's could have an advantage. And when he couldn't find a use for me anymore and drew too much attention to himself he left like a coward.

I will never forgive him.

At the next therapy session I had I did vent to my therapist about it. I couldn't keep it in forever. They seemed pleased to finally hear me open up, but I was simply just explaining my thought processes.

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