As They See Fit

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Ryker's POV:

Today was a special day for two reasons.

One, I was going to ask Milo out.

Two, today's the first day of the patrols.

Seiryo and Fox were going to be back soon. Kenichi was back from his break, and taking care of some commissioned murders. Akihito was coming up with plans for when we did find their base and how we'd go about getting Kingo and Coda back.

And I was on my way to Milo's house to pick them up.

I had split up the gang into various sections based on division, but had to split out Seiryo's and Fox's since Milo was coming with me. Technically Milo was supposed to be stepping in for the fourth division, but how else was I going to ask them out?

I pulled up to their house and parked my motorcycle. I walked up to their door and hesitated to knock on it, but I did anyways. I heard movement from inside the house, something I was good at keeping an eye out for from all the times I've stopped at Kenichi's house.

But it wasn't Milo who answered the door.

A brown haired boy with green bangs appeared at the door. He looked me up and down. "So you're Ryker?"

"Oh, yeah, I am." I told him. "Are you a relative of Milo's?"

"Yup." He said. "I'm Tyler. I use he/they pronouns. You?"

I never really thought of my pronouns, or anything like that, really. I just like everyone, I am comfortable with any pronouns, and my own gender and anyone else's didn't matter to me.

Maybe I'm overthinking this question a little. "He/him." I responded. "Thank you for asking."

Tyler nodded. "I'll get Milo, wait here."

Tyler shut the door slightly, and I could here him calling Milo's name. I didn't hear Milo's response, but in a few moments, they were at the door. Their hair was dripping water. "Hey, I was just doing my hair. You're pretty early."

"Well you know the saying, on time is late, early is on time." I said, scratching the back of my head. "Sorry, though."

Milo shrugged. "It's fine. You can come in, by the way, because I'm not leaving my house without my hair done."

I was a little scared, especially if I saw their parents, but I nodded. I walked in, the scent of incense instantly catching my attention. I could see the amount of plants and CD's they had stacked up, seeming decades old. I was not surprised, to say the least.

"Are you allergic to cats?" They asked as I took my shoes off.

I shook my head. "I love cats. Why, do you have one?"

Milo smiled. "I have five."

My eyes widened. "Five?"

I had to see these cats that they were referring to.

They led me upstairs and opened a door to which I assumed to be their room, and I was right. "Only Charlie and Luka are in here. They're both very friendly, all my cats are."

I looked around their room and saw a dark brown cat with long stripes of black. It was huge, as big as a chocolate lab, I assumed. "Which one is that?"

"Luka." They told me, still focused on their hair. "He's a mainecoon, very big. Charlie's a mainecoon too, and he's in my closet."

I walked over to their closet and immediately saw the silver tabby mainecoon. I crouched down to get a better view of him. "He's so cute!"

"Yeah, I love my cats." Milo said. "I'm almost done with my hair, so you can start your motorcycle. Y'know, so we're ready to go."

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