Pounding Fury

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Kenichi's POV:

"RYKER!" I yelled into my earpiece, but I got no response. I made my whole team stop moving. My mind was racing. Shit shit shit.

Ryker's patrol must've got attacked.

I moved my hand to my earpiece. "Everyone report to the right edge of Toronto, no if, ands, or buts!"

I revved my motorcycle and took off as fast as the speed limit allowed me to.

This wasn't good.

A simple help may have seemed trivial to anyone else, but to me, this might be the worst thing that could happen to the gang yet. It may be my anxiety messing with me, sure, but I think otherwise.

"Don't stop! If your tanks run low, pull over, but we can't wait for you!" I told my patrol and the earpiece. "Tell your patrols that too, got that?"

I didn't get a response from anyone but Fox, so I prayed that everyone was focused on getting there.

When I pulled up to the scene, no one was there but the second division and Ryker. But someone was.. missing.


I got off my motorcycle and ran over to Ryker. I grabbed him under the head and brought him up. "Ryker, where the hell is Hifumi?"

He barred his teeth. "The Gold Vipers.."

I knew it. "Which ones? Stay with me for a second!"

"Arlo.. and uh.. Kylo.." Ryker mumbled. "Kingo.."

My eyes widened, and I turned around.

"Kenichi!" Pink hair instead of teal blue, but the same overall look, it was Kingo. That's him? How did I not notice?

It's the new hair.

"Kingo, how the hell did you get out?" I asked. "Where is their base? What happened to you?"

Kingo looked at me blankly, or as blankly as he could with that devilish smile. "I'll show you, but my memory is hazy. I think they tried to wipe it before they let me go."

"What happened to you?" I repeated my last question.

"I was locked up and kept for questioning. I tried to lie about as much as I could, but this guy with the snake could see through it so I had no choice." He told me. "They said I was useless and that they'd take someone else. They want war to stop your gang."


I hadn't ever thought I would get into a gang battle; sure I've heard them happening in other places, but I didn't think a gang as noble as mine would be targeted. Those damn villains..

I held my earpiece in fury.

"We're marching right up to The Gold Viper's base tomorrow, and we're starting war." I said. "And I don't care what happens, we're taking them down. I want all the captains and vice captains to meet at Graffiti Alley as soon as possible, and everyone else can go home."

Everyone met me at Graffiti Alley.

Me, Shinju, Seiryo, Okimi, Ryker, Akihito, Fox, and Milo.

And of course Kingo, who everyone was in shock to see.

"You're telling us we're going to fight The Gold Vipers?" Seiryo asked. "How do we know Zay isn't going to kill us all like he did to Aaron?"

"If we don't fight, more and more of us are going to be kidnapped, and The Gold Vipers won't stop until they get what they want. I don't know Zay very well, but.." I paused. "I can tell he's pretty determined to get rid of us."

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now