Acception and Rejection

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(There will be a LOT of POV switches in order to get everyone's perspective.)

Kenichi's POV:

It was not even a week after the entrance exam where I finally got my acceptance, or rejection, letter from Toronto Hero Academy. It was in a small package, and when opened, a hand-held device with a red button on the side and a rounded blue lens at the top was what it was contained in. A holographic contraption, an advanced technology, expected of one of the top five hero schools in the world.

I place the device in the middle of the table and wait for my dad to arrive home, which would be any minute now. Mika was on the couch, and though she tried not to make it obvious, she curiously stared at the table. I was debating on just calling her over, but she seemed to be having more fun being "sneaky".

As soon as the door opened, I looked over to my dad. "Oh, Kenichi, you got it already?"

"I've been avoiding my phone all day, I don't want to know who got in and who didn't until I'm done," I told him.

He sat down at the table without even taking his shoes off. "Let's see, then."

I hesitantly pressed the red button on the side.

The principal, Dr. Withered, that I had seen at the entrance exam was holographically standing before my dad and I. He had a smile that definitely looked like the fake smile any principal would have on their face whenever trying to impress someone.

"Good day or night to the family and himself, Kenichi Todoroki," he said, bowing before both of us. "Never in my life have I seen a student as skilled, powerful, and overall instinctual as him. Defeating several bots and saving a fellow student, even when he didn't know there were any points for rescue involved. A student who risks their life to save others alone is a spectacular hero in the making, but one with such prowess in their quirk and brute strength overall is a student I want in my school."

My eyes widened, as well as my fathers.

"Kenichi Todoroki, as of now you are a student of Class Two, Course one, and you have hereby been accepted into Toronto Hero Academy," Dr. Withered announced. "I hope to see you on monday."

Though I had no doubt that I'd get in easily, I was still jittery. I got into one of the most prestigious schools for heroes and was complemented by Dr. Withered himself, which I had found out not that long ago that he was an expert of all things quirk related and hero related. He sees something in me that no one else has. I will work my hardest to impress him.

I checked in with my friends to see what their results were.

Ryker's POV:

"Found something in the mail, said it's for you," Ace threw a package on my bed.

"OOH!" Magnus pushed past Ace and looked into my room. "That's your holograph! Your confirmation if you got into Toronto Hero Academy or not!"

"Really?" I picked up the package and looked at it. Magnus sat on my bed, and reluctantly, Ace followed.

"Open it," Magnus nudged me.

"I'm scared," I told him. "What if I didn't get in?"

"Did you make the top ten board?" Ace asked me.

"Well, yeah but," I paused, "that doesn't give me an outright guarantee of if I got in or not. They were looking for technique and strength, and what if I don't–"

"Have any of that?" Magnus finished my sentence. "Listen Rykes, Mama and Dad don't have nothin' on you, ya hear? If you didn't get in, you didn't get in, you just gotta try again somewhere else, but that won't make you any less of a hero. I've seen you use your quirk."

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