His Charred Heart

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Ryker's POV:

"It's just that, Kenichi just stresses me out sometimes," I told Milo. "Like he doesn't understand right from wrong and I try to be patient but he just... he doesn't get it."

"Mhm," Milo nodded at me.

I sat on their bed with one of their cats in my lap. Their cats made me wish I had them, the only pet I have is the beta fish in the living room. But Milo's cats felt like mine anyways since I was over so much.

"There's no way to get through to him," I mumbled.

"I don't think anyone can," Milo admitted, "but if anyone could, it would be you."

I felt a vibration in my pocket, and I pulled my phone out. I narrowed my eyes at Kenichi's name.

I understand what I did
I'm sorry

"Bullshit," they muttered.

I responded.

I love you Kenichi but man, you're like burn marks on sunken pavement.
You worsen things already ruined.

Milo and I waited, but Kenichi didn't respond.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that I understood why.

Kenichi didn't show up to school. We had more instruction and training since on Friday we would be mentored by a pro hero specialized in rescue, and it was an important starting point into becoming a hero. But we had to get ready for that first, and he didn't show up.

When I got home, I heard some talking. Then my brother Ace yelled, "Ryker, your friend's here!"

I walked into the living room and saw Kenichi. He had a bunch of bags in his hands, heavy looking bags. He had a stern look on his face.

"Ryker," he said.

"Kenichi," I replied.

There was a brief silence until I said, "Come down to my room."

He followed me to my room in the basement, and he took the bags with him. I shut the door behind him and looked him up and down. The bags, then him. "What're those for?"

"Evidence," he told me. "My family is in some kind of deep shit."

I raised my brow, "What do you mean?"

Kenichi opened one bag and handed me a photobook. I took it, confused, and opened it.

The very front page was Kenichi's parents, Hijiri, and another kid.

"Is this you?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, obviously not, Hijiri is like three there."

I looked closer, and he looked like Kenichi, however not the same. Kenichi didn't have orange in his hair at all.

"That's my brother," he said.

"You only have one I thought," I muttered.

"Nope," he said. "Apparently not."

He handed me a sheet of paper. "I wrote down the entire conversation I recorded and if you want to see the recording of me confronting my dad, I will."

"Okay," I said, "show me."

He handed me his phone with the video pulled up.

Who is Homura? Kenichi said.

Kenichi, how do–

Homura, dad, don't play dumb. Who is he and why didn't you tell me about him?

It wasn't important, I rather forget about it.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now