I Think I'm in Love

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Kenichi's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what Akihito said. Dating? Shinju and I? I could never even dream of dating someone like him. But it's not like I would be completely against it... I just don't think I would even have a chance. What are you thinking, didn't he kiss you?

But that could just be a friendly thing that his dumbass thinks is okay. Pulling on my heartstrings is stupid, Shinju.

I can't love him, that's impossible.

"I'll order for you if you're too scared." Shinju mused.

"I can order for myself." I muttered under my breath.

We approached a Starbucks that Shinju had begged me to go to with him. He called it a date, but that's stupid. I didn't even know what I was going to order, but I bet he had his entire order planned out and memorized. If I ever make coffee at home, it's always black with sugar. Do they even do that at Starbucks, because every Starbucks coffee order I see is always topped high with ice and nasty whipped cream.

"You're awfully silent, if you don't want to talk because of Akihito back there, I already said I can order for you." Shinju nudged me, but I didn't even want to look up at him. Of course I can't date him, he's out of my league and my brother would make fun of me for it for the rest of my life.

Besides, he's an idiot, I would never date him.


Why do I keep having these thoughts? I don't even like him!

Shinju grabbed my hand again. "Why are you just standing there?"

"I'm thinking." I responded. "About my order."

"Well we're next so think a bit harder." Shinju mumbled, a joking tone to his voice. "I was thinking of getting something new, just to try it out. But I might just get one of my usual orders or something."

"I'll pay for it." I said out of nowhere. "Get whatever you want, I'll pay for it."

"Y'know I can pay for it." Shinju blinked at me.

"Your birthday's in a few days so it's on me, don't worry about it." I muttered, still keeping my face tilted away from his view. But I could still feel his smile burning into my skin. I went on. "You don't have to stare at me like that, I know you are."

"I want to kiss you again." Shinju said.

I shot a confused look at him. "Excuse me?"

"I'm kidding." He looked up at the cashier. "Oh, we're next, hold on." He stood there for a second, and I assumed he was thinking about his order again. But I couldn't comprehend if I heard him wrong or if he said it and wasn't joking. Damnit, you're such an idiot, Shinju.

"I'll have an.. Iced Pumpkin Spice latte, less ice and oak milk instead of regular milk." Shinju said. "Oh, and a unicorn cakepop!"

I snorted. Idiot.

I stepped up next to Shinju. "Coffee. Just black coffee."

"Size?" The cashier asked.

"Size?" I asked, dumbfounded. "Why the hell are there different sizes? A coffee is a coffee."

"Just give him a Trenta." Shinju spoke over me.

I shot him a glare for ordering for me, then put a Canadian 50 dollar bill down. "Keep the change."

Shinju walked over to a table and sat, with me following. I sat across from him and stared at the table. I could feel him staring at me, and I pictured his cute smile carved into his face; damnit, where did all of these feelings come from?

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now