The Ruined

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Maxwell's POV:

No. This isn't how it was supposed to go.

All my life I've always known what to do and how to do it. It's apart of my nature, it's an aspect of my quirk, nothing could ever go wrong because I'd always know how to make it right. Fixing things was my specialty. Nothing mattered in the present because I knew how it was going to go in the future.

My head has been.. in the future. Not the present.

And I forget there's multiple paths a future can take.

Now Zay was dead. And Naga and I didn't even predict that was plausible. I must've done something wrong.

"Head in the game, Maxwell!" Draven came up behind me with Sasha on his back. My eyes widened as I saw her arm completely burnt off. "Everyone's going to die!"

"Don't say that, we aren't." I assured him, but he ran right past me. I clenched my fists and started running too. Maybe I did need to keep my head in the game.

"Izora is rounding up the rest." Naga hissed in my ear.

Izora. I really hope she's okay.

"She'll be fine." Naga reassured. "She's strong."

"Hang on tight, then." I told her. "Isn't there some kind of power you have to help this situation?"

"I can inflict pain into Kenichi using pain inducement.." Naga suggested. "I don't understand why you won't let me borrow your vessel."

"My only drawback is the consequences of your actions hindering me." I told her. "If you took over my body, I have no control. It's not that I don't trust you, but.. you've wilted it before."

"You're cautious, Maxwell." She replied. "It's a good trait you have in you. Am I allowed to induce pain into Kenichi?"

I hesitated. This could either worsen his quirk and make his attacks weaker or it'll make him stronger and go even crazier. There was a huge risk, but as long as we had Izora and Zay's body..

"Go for it." I told Naga. "And telepathically make sure one of the twins grab Zay."

I didn't know how the future was going to go, not unless Naga said something. I hoped and prayed she knew what she was doing. I have no choice but to trust her, and I know I can.

For now.

I watched from afar Kenichi starting to waver. The sirens that I could hear in the distance were getting louder by the minute.

The Bloody Mambas were using all their strength.

There was a scream so loud that I couldn't hear for a long moment.

And Izora slipped up her final move on Shinju and crashed into the ground. Hard.

My legs moved before my brain told me not to. Naga fought me to stay put, but there was no way I could watch her from the sidelines.

If I had to watch Izora die as well as everyone else.. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Izora!" I cried. I instantly picked her up bridal style and started running. "Izora listen, I've got you, this is almost over with! We tried fighting fair, I didn't anticipate—"

"You don't have to know everything all the time." Izora whispered. "Like.. I bet you didn't know that I would die.."

"Don't say that!" I spat. "She's not going to die, right, Naga?"

"I know that this isn't the answer you want to hear but Izora's fate has all been made clear." Naga started. "Izora seems to be over and done, but one future's better than none."

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now