I Find Shinju..?

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I was just about to leave my house and walk to Shinju's when I heard a crash outside my house. I narrowed my eyes and walked over to the backdoor, only to see my third division captain, Aaron, laying there. What the hell?

I walked outside. "Aaron, what the hell are you doing in my lawn?"

He slowly turned his head. "Kenichi. I was looking for you."

I heard laughs from a distance, which made me even more irritated. "I'm busy, and I've got things to do. Shinju will be waiting for me."

His eyes looked sunken, which was only a sign for me to leave him alone. I went back into my house, realizing that Mika was standing right next to the backdoor, staring out the window. "Mika, what are you doing?"

"Who's that?" She pointed outside and looked at me. "One of your friends?"

I nodded and smiled at her. "He seems to be going through a rough time right now, if Hijiri tries to remove him, tell him that I'll beat him up if he tries anything. Can you do that for me?"

She nodded and smiled right back at me. As soon as I turned around, my smile turned into a frown. People were so irritating sometimes; they need to get themselves together before I find a way to do it myself.

Exiting my house, I started making my way to Shinju's house. His place was a good ten minutes away by walking, so I knew it wasn't going to take long. But two minutes into my walk, I hear a loud roar behind me. I turned around and saw a motorcyclist speeding towards me, with a similar motorcycle, as if I had seen it before. Don't tell me that's...

The motorcyclist pulled into my driveway and hid behind my dad's spare car. A few moments later, a police car sped by, sirens blaring. I watched as he took off his helmet; it was of course, Shinju. "Hey, Kenichi. The drift onto your driveway was pretty cool, wasn't it?"

"What did you do now?" I asked bluntly.

"I stole these helmets on the way here. I thought I should drive you to my grandma's on my motorcycle." Shinju said, unlocking the red and orange helmet off the back seat. "I know you have your own but it would be easier if you rode on mine. Sooo, what do you say?"

"As long as we can get there as quick as possible, it doesn't matter how we do it." I said, taking the helmet and slipping it over my head. In a muffled voice, I continued. "You didn't have to rob these, though. If we're caught.."

"Don't worry about it." Shinju started the motorcycle. "Get on and hang onto me. Unless you want to be flung off, that is."

I got on his motorcycle and wrapped my arms around his waist, which was his sign to go. I could hear sirens getting louder. They must've realized that they had lost him. If he gets us caught, then I don't know what I'll do.

He sped past cars, riding on the line, even though there were red lights. The amount of cars honking at us was overwhelming, but through Shinju's mirror, I could see that he was enjoying the attention. Was he trying to get us killed? Or worse, caught and put in jail?

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind, only focusing on the road ahead of us. Faintly, I could hear Shinju say something. "Let's speed up; I'm a bit late already so I don't want to disappoint."

He sped up without waiting for an answer, laying his head back on my shoulder with his tongue out. "Pay attention!" I snapped.

"Oh, sorry." Shinju went back to driving, but I could feel him tense up. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" I asked, still pissed at him.

"There's a sky hero looking overhead for us. They're coming our way." Shinju revved the engine of the motorcycle in an increased panic. "If we can find a large shadowed area.."

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