The Ruining

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"I guess I should reveal my identity, I did kill your friend and all." The black and red haired boy stepped forwards. "My name's-"

"Zay." I finished, feeling lava run through my veins. "I know damn well who you are, just by you saying that he had you all figured out."

"Oh, so he spoke of me?" Zay hoisted himself up with his scorpion tail-limbs, standing tall and using them like stilts. "What did he say? I hope he didn't make me out to be the villain of any sort."

I stayed silent, still guarding Shinju.

"I'm just playing around." Zay said with a shrug. "You're too tense for me."

I looked to the corner of my eye to see the other divisions catching up. Hifumi and Kingo's divisions came, along with Akihito and Ryker, who weirdly wasn't with Aaron's division in the first place.

"What the- Zay?" Kingo looked in shock. Seiryo didn't say a single word.

Hifumi didn't seem to notice Aaron, but Okimi screeched as soon as she saw the body. This is going to end up being a disaster.

Some of Hifumi and Kingo's divisions started cornering the villains from a distance. Zay stepped back to let Rinchi talk, but Shinju's brother was obviously shook.

Rinchi sighed. "You kids. Don't you see that we're trying to make the Shirokage's stronger? Shinju, our family is about killing all heroes and you're caught up in a group willing to stop that from happening? Your sense of morals.. dad and mom will be hearing about this."

Shinju summoned one of his shadow hands, and before Rinchi could react, he made it bigger and bashed Rinchi in the head. I winced as Rinchi fell to the floor, his glasses shattered.

Zay and the others, if they weren't already provoked beforehand, were most definitely provoked now.

But damn, Shinju has definitely gotten stronger from last time I saw him fight. It's kinda hot.

"So you're picking a fight?" Zay licked his lips.

I rolled up my sleeves and turned my arms to lava. I charged at Zay and blasted lava at him, but he simply ducked, which is exactly what I wanted. I caught him off guard by shooting another attack, burning his sleeve and just barely burning the top few layers of his skin.

"You're a real burner, aren't you?" Zay mumbled.

I opened my mouth to speak, but suddenly Fox came out of nowhere and kicked Zay in the side.

Zay immediately jumped out of the way, with Fox just barely kicking him. Fox was furious, landing with a skrrt on the ground. I know he's just fighting Zay to avenge Aaron, I'm sure anyone in this gang would want to. But in order to keep my gang, and Shinju, safe, I've got to deal with Zay as well.

I hardened my fist to a molten lava rock. As Fox screamed, distracting him, I blasted myself towards him and punched him square across the face. I heard a sizzling burn from the lava bubbles still on top of the molten rock, and Zay looked unresponsive. I turned my hand back to normal and turned to Fox. "I think I took care of him. Thanks for the distraction."

Fox didn't respond, obviously still in pure fury. I ignored him and watched the rest of the gang beat down the other four. Ryker was using his Venus Flytraps that he was skilled at using. Shinju used his powerful shadow hands. Hifumi used her shadow clones. Kingo used his oral arms. Seiryo used his powerful fists. And Orion was fighting as hard as Fox for his fallen friend.

But the one who amazed me the most was Akihito.

The way he manipulated and used his fire, carefully knowing how and when to use it. It was like he was skilled in the art. His blue flames were bright and vibrant, bringing out all of his pretty features. It was like his fire was dancing along the palms of his hands, and sprouting out in a controlled manner.

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