Adrenaline Rush

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I stood in Graffiti Alley, waiting for the rest of the gang to gather. I stared at the black, yellow, and white robe that Shinju got his brother to make for everyone to wear. It's pretty big, but the gang symbol on the back that Ryker designed looks pretty cool from the back. And it looks really good on Shinju..

Well, it would look good on anyone, right?

"I'm surprised they're all coming on such short notice." Shinju muttered, standing next to me. "I hope we can catch those villains."

"Yeah, I'm sure you all will be able to." I felt bad for Ryker; a few days ago, in an attempt to save Shinju and I, he sacrificed his life by trapping Saburo in a giant Venus Flytrap. He couldn't escape in time and Saburo beat him up pretty badly. Now, Ryker was confined to a wheelchair with both of his parents terribly angry at him. We really shouldn't have let him sacrifice himself, he's strong but Saburo could've easily ended his life...

Just like he was originally planning on doing.

"Alright!" I yelled, putting my arm up in the air. Welcome to the second official meeting of The Bloody Mambas! As you all know, Shinju handed out the uniforms the other day, and we are one step closer to becoming a real powerful gang with around 70 people now, thanks to Ryker Cullivan!"

Shinju put a hand on my shoulder. "The reason why all of you are called out today is so that the new vice captains can be introduced, and then we've got a fight to attend to!"

Kingo stepped up, his vice captain Seiryo with him. "As the first division captain, I have chose Seiryo Adachi as my vice captain! I expect him to step in as a representative captain when I'm ill, hurt, or not present in a fight!"

"Call me Seiryo!" Seriyo put his two fists together, and I noticed he had boxing gloves on. "My quirk is Boxing Fists, where my fists are boxing gloves and my reflexes are up to a quadruple times faster than the average person! I'm so strong that I could punch a hole through a wall with minimum force, and total a car in seconds!"

A strong guy in a fight. Nice choice, Kingo.

Hifumi walked up, her vice captain Okimi trailing behind her. "Since I'm the second division captain, I've made the decision to choose Okimi Banno as my vice captain. Hopefully she'll live up to my expectations as a representative when I'm not able to fight."

Okimi nodded. "My quirk is Aftermath. I can absorb a user's attack and strike back with double the force. If the quirk uses objects, such as a cactus quirk that shoots out needles for example, that attack will double the amount of needles that are used. I promise I will make myself useful, and use all the skills I've acquired thus far to help!"

Definitely not the kind who would join a gang, but her quirk would definitely be useful against a strong opponent. I'll have faith in her for now.

Aaron gave me a stare before he stepped up. Orion hung back, as he seemed he was spaced out, but stepped up after Aaron nudged him with a wing. "As the.. third division captain, I bring to you Orion Aphelion. I have trust in him, that he'll cover for me when the time calls, and for him to fight alongside me."

Orion took a moment to introduce himself. "Yeah, I'm Orion. My quirk is Cosmo, I don't really know the full capabilities of it yet, but I can form space rocks and use stardust to attack. It sounds more strong when it's in action..."

He doesn't seem very confident in his abilities. Definitely the kind of person Aaron would pick, though, so I wouldn't put it past him.

Fox stepped up, seeming all high and mighty. "I brought Milo to introduce to you, she-"

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