The Shirokage Mystery

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I lead Shinju towards a library, glancing back ever so often to watch his expression or to see if he was trying to get away. What's this kid's problem? If I was actually going to lead him in a trap, then it would be so easy to!

Doesn't matter, this makes it easier for me.

As we walked up the steps of this library, I cringed at the shape of it. This library seemed nothing like the ones in Japan, where libraries were usually big and full of cooling aesthetic lights. This one looked rundown and old. But given that this is Canada, I'm not surprised. Maybe if it's old looking then it'll have older books.

"What do you know about your family, Shinju?" I asked as I stepped into the library, him following. "Like your ancestors that came before you, and the three other Shirokage camps?"

"I know that all my aunts and uncles and cousins reside in America and Japan, as well as another spot in Canada. I also know that my family is the third Shirokage camp since my parents had three birth children." Shinju put his finger to his chin. "But I'm adopted after all. I don't actually know that much, like someone like my brother Ichirou would."

I narrowed my eyes. "That doesn't give me much to work off of."

"Well why are you so curious?" Shinju gasped. "Is this your way of fanboying over me!?"

"Quiet, we're in a library." I hissed under my breath. "That's not my intention, I am actually related to a famous detective in Japan, Fuyuto Hokori."

Shinju blinked at me. I let out a sigh. "We need to look for any written documents about your family, but if I ask they'll think we're up to something because you're a Shirokage."

I wiped the under eye makeup off Shinju's face, and put a beanie on his head. Shinju still looked confused, but he nodded in understanding.

I started to make my way to the s section in the history isles. Scanning each and every book, I noticed the amount of them there. There's tons of them!

"I'm sure the computer could have just as much information.." Shinju reasoned, but I put a finger up.

"There's got to be written documents somewhere, I just know it. If it was so easy to access on the internet, then detectives would've had all your family captured by now-"

"Found it." I looked over to see Shinju, a weird hand jotting out from his back, with a page opened up to a PDF. "It's not hard to find if you look at some of the last pages on Google. I thought every famous detective knew that."

I narrowed my eyes and walked over to him, sitting down at the library computer. I scanned the PDF.

The three Shirokage sites started in Japan, originated by Aito Shirokage. He had one birth kid, and stole/adopted others to form a clan. He got married to an unknown woman, who appears to stay in the shadows.

Then two more started up from Aito's two brothers. Kiyoshi Shirokage and Sotsui Shirokage followed in Aito's footsteps. Kiyoshi moved to America and started up his own clan there, while Sotsui started his in Japan and moved the current 13 kids and himself, along with his wife Chikara, to Canada.

None of the exact cities or places they reside were confirmed or denied. But one place that's been overlooked by many officials is their factories upon factories of quirk enhancer drugs.

Mostly found in the underground's of Canada, since it's way more illegal in Japan and America, they keep a good store when carrying out more major heists. But they've gone unused for a while, and may never be used again as the current family that resides in Canada expands.

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