Silence of the Damned

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Maxwell's POV:

Everything was dark again.

Between the Saburo incident and Zay's attack, I was already feeling cloudy. But I could tell this was another vision, and I knew that this one had to do with Kenichi. Again.

It was dark, until there was a light. It was dim at first, only resembling an arm in the air. But the light spread. It spread until I could see Kenichi's looming figure, as if he was the Symbol of Peace, as if he was All Might.

All Might was the strongest and most noble hero of all time. There was nothing he couldn't do. The world recognized this as fact. But he couldn't stop this war, and according to Naga, he didn't even try.

Toronto was given up on, one of the most influential cities in the world, with one of the greatest hero schools, with some of the most amazing heroes. We had no hope.

That's what everyone thought besides me.

I didn't get to finish my vision before I was woken up. It was Akihito. He knelt next to me, hand lightly against the left side of my face.

"Dude, you're bleeding," Akihito muttered.

Regenerate, I thought to Naga. My wound was closed up, and the blood was gone in an instant.

"No big deal," I lied, "I must've scraped my face against something. I sleep walk."

Akihito slowly nodded. "Okay, well if you say so."

The rest of my class was up, but not active. The only person I could see that was still asleep was Coda, and Izora was right next to her, talking with Sasha with one hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Ryker's got her mostly healed up, and Milo is keeping her moisturized," Akihito explained. "But healing takes energy, so she's resting."

"Ah," I said. "She's strong."

"I didn't see much of her fighting but, yeah, I'm sure," he muttered. "I heard from Ryker that she's one of the strongest in the class. Must have a lot of control over her quirk."

"A lot of willpower as well," I added, "it's almost as if she's had a lot of practice..."

"It's getting colder by the day," I heard Astaroth complain. Then, he turned to Sasha, "Don't you have some heat quirk? Warm it up here!"

"My quirk's almost out," Sasha shot back. "I'm not wasting the rest of my solar power when there's no sun to recharge it! It's Canada, get a grip, it's almost always cold."

"Well where I'm from, Hawaii, it's almost always hot," he retorted.

"Hawaii?" Ryker said, "No way, Astaroth, really? I didn't know that about you. So many people dream of going on vacation there."

"Yeah, a popular vacation spot, sure, but it's hell for the native people who actually have to deal with the shitty tourists," he muttered.

"Lolana is from Hawaii, too," Rowan chimed in.

"She's from a different island," Astaroth said. "I'm from Kauai, she's from Oahu. Two completely different atmospheres."

"I get that," Akihito turned to Astaroth. "I'm from Musutafu, and while it does have U.A., you'd be surprised about how different it is from the big cities like Tokyo or Yokohama. Complete culture shock!"

"Me too," Carlos said. "I come from Philippines, it is not the same as here. The city where I am from, San Juan, very different from Quezon City. Almost like another country."

"See, they get it," he sighed. "Canada isn't for me. After I finish hero training, if I even live to see the day, I'm going back to serve my people."

"You will live to see the day," I said. This stopped the conversation from all my classmates as each one turned to me.

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