Harbourfront Centre

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Kenichi's POV:

I awoke to my phone buzzing on my nightstand. Irritation pricked inside me as I went to pick it up, only for it to be Shinju.

I answered. "What?"

"Get ready and come to Graffiti Alley. We're waiting for you." I heard Shinju on the other end.

Another one of these weird surprise calls where they drag me out of my house only for it to end up being some weird idea?

My mind drifted to the day where we retrieved the Shirokage's quirk drugs, the ambush of Zay, Aaron's death..

Why is this coming back to me now?

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I muttered. "If this is one of your dumb, pointless schemes, I'm turning right back around and going to bed."

"Guess someone's feeling better than a few days ago." Shinju joked.

I snorted. "Bye."

I put my phone back on my nightstand and stood in the middle of my room, unsure what to do. Would it be a bad idea to, with what happened last time? I couldn't bare for another member to die, especially if it were...

I brushed the thought out of my mind as I brushed my hair. If I kept thinking negatively then it'd be bound to happen. No matter what these idiots have planned, I'll protect them with my life if anything bad were to happen. I wouldn't hesitate like I did with Aaron.

I do have a pretty strong quirk, after all.

I finished getting ready and went downstairs, glaring at my brother who was sitting in the living room.

"Where the fuck are you going this early?" Hijiri growled.

I didn't answer him; instead I put my shoes on and exited out the door. Everytime I look at him I think of the incident back on my fifth birthday. The police, my quirk, the fire, the crash...

My mom.

He believed it was all my fault. Maybe he was right.

I got into my motorcycle and tuned everything out besides the way to Graffiti Alley and my own two hands on my motorcycle handles. Then, I took off.

It didn't take long to reach Graffiti Alley, where I realized only the tops of the gang were there. Shinju, Ryker, Akihito, Kingo, Seiryo, Hifumi, Okimi, Fox, Milo...

And Coda?

I locked eyes with Coda first. She seemed just as confused as I was, but gave a shy wave. I nodded back and turned to Shinju. "What's going on? Why are you all here? Why is Coda here?"

"So many questions, relax, dude." Kingo mumbled.

"We're going to Harbourfront Centre!" Shinju exclaimed. Ryker excitedly nodded his head to Shinju's words. I got off my motorcycle in even more confusion.

"Why are we going there?" I asked.

Ryker and Shinju exchanged glances. "We just though you needed a break." Ryker said to me. "So we arranged it so you could have a good time."

Usually, I never cared to show emotion. It seemed like a waste of energy after all. But a smile slowly creeped along my face.

These members of The Bloody Mambas aren't only my associates.

They're my friends.

They're my.. family.

"Let's head off; we've got a lot to do in just a day!" Shinju called out. "Coda! You can ride on the back of Kenichi's motorcycle! And Fox-"

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now