Bruised, Bleeding, and Broken up

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Shinju's POV:

"Get the door, Shinju!" It had been a few days, and I still didn't go home. I told Akuma that I was going to be staying for a week instead of going home. I still couldn't come in terms with Tora's arrest; what could he have possibly done?

"No, I'll get it!" Amida said, running out his room. "I'll see who's there, Shinju!"

I sat on Amida's bed, scrolling through my contacts. Who can I call to get more information? Who should I call? I ended up stopping at Akuma's contact and called him.

He answered immediately.

"I'm busy with schoolwork, Shinju." Akuma muttered into the phone.

"You know you can do it easily, don't give me that excuse." I half-jokingly said. "I need more information on my brother. I want to know when he's getting out of jail, if there's a possibility for parole if he did kill someone, and-"

"He's in prison for life." Akuma cut me off. "He won't be getting out, and I don't know if he's got parole or not. Most of us have records y'know, including him."

"I can't believe he killed people like that.." I trailed off, pushing back the tears that started to fill my eyes.

"He was framed." My eyes widened; Tora was framed for a crime? Who was even there to have killed those people?

"Framed?" I repeated outloud.

"The person that called the cops on us was the one who committed the murders, not him." Akuma explained. "He wanted to get our family into more trouble, I would assume. Besides robbing that gas station, Tora is completely innocent. We could've even put Amida or Kinan in his place for the sentence if he hadn't been accused."

My brows furrowed in anger. They framed Tora and got him into more trouble then he already was in! We could've bailed him out if we couldn't replace him with one of the others! Though, I would feel bad for Amida, Kinan, or anyone else to serve a sentence that they had nothing to do with. But I have no say in the matter anyways.

"Anyways, Shinju." Akuma continued, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I need you to bring Amida to Mom's house. He's messed up big time and even though I think Tsuki is going to pick you two up-"

"Tsuki's here!" I heard Amida yell. "Come on, Shinju! We've got some place to be!"

"Well, he's here." I told Akuma over the phone.

I could envision Akuma pushing his glasses up as he sighed, it being slightly distorted over the phone. "Alright, make sure mom knows everything he's done."

"I don't even know what he did, to be honest." I said, scratching the back of my head. "I'm really confused, what did he even do? He's been with me all week so I can't possibly think of what he could've done..."

"Grandma found a cheeto bag under his bed." Akuma mumbled under his breath. "That could've been sold, it was a special bag, too. That is why he's going to be beaten."

My heart nearly stopped; I gave him that! Why would she look under his bed? I had gotten him in trouble, and now he's going to be beaten for it!

"Special bag?" I echoed. "What do you mean special?"

"Limited Edition, an Xbox Code on the back that's worth hundreds." Akuma explained. "He ate it, and now it's worth nothing."

Oh no.. I gave him that, I repeated in my head.

What should I do?

"Almost here." Tsuki muttered. "Just got to wait at this light."

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