Twin Flames

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Aaron's POV:

I spread my hawk wings in a desperate attempt to scare them away, but Arlo and Kylo were not going to back off. Twins that could not be separated, soulmates that could not be broken apart, and two badasses that had two of the coolest quirks I've ever seen.

Portal and Realm. Arlo, able to spawn portals and hop between anywhere he can visualize. Kylo, able to create his own realm that could trap others in and put anything within it. Truly amazing powers, and powers that could get them into heaps of trouble.

And with them on the wrong side, I was sure Kenichi would hunt them down.

I only knew this information from them constantly repeating their abilities in their head. I had guessed it was needed for them to activate their quirk.

"Aaron." I could barely see them through my white curly hair, but I could definitely hear that they were close. I moved my hair out of the way to get a better look.

"You know too much." Kylo mumbed, his dark maroon hair and almost black eyes were intimidating. Arlo's bright red hair and black eyes weren't as scary.

"I know all that I need to." I said.

"That's not going to fly with Zay." Kylo growled. "Nothing flies with him. You're better off dying now then suffering the consequences later, you and your weak gang."

"Fight alongside and with Kenichi and you wouldn't dare to make that statement." I told him. "I promise you that you are on the wrong side. If this is how you want to go down then I promise you that you're doing a fine job at making it a reality."

Arlo scoffed. "As if we'd be able to be defeated."

"Don't get so cocky." I snapped. "The cockiest gets the most hurt, common sense. Don't go crying to your leader when you're unable to move your arms again."

This shut them up, but the tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. A disaster waiting to happen.

Arlo and Kylo exchanged glances. "We're twin flames, we cannot be blown out. If one simmers and shrinks, the other will relight." Kylo said.

"I promise you that we'll turn us candles into a bonfire." Arlo told me.

"And that leader of yours, Kenichi, cannot compete fire with fire." Kylo put his hands in his pockets. "We are of the same blood, and The Gold Vipers are the same."

Kingo's POV:

I fought and clawed and struggled my way out of the ropes I was tied in.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Where the hell am I?"

No response.

My blood was boiling and I pain was circulating through my entire body. I didn't know if it was the large amount of adrenaline coursing through my body or the rope burns I had obtained.

Maybe both.

I just needed a way out of here.

"He's finally awake?" I heard a voice. Out came a particularly pale boy, around the same age as me, with black hair. Behind him followed a dark skinned boy, locks that were perfectly swept to the side..

Orion. That's Orion, Aaron's backstabbing ex-best friend.

"Orion." I sneered. "The same wimpy freak, joining the opposing side. Why am I not slightly surprised by your disloyalty?"

"I can't be disloyal to a gang I was never loyal to in the first place." Orion spoke robotically. He never was good at tone, he never showed much emotion at all. It was so fucking annoying. "I reside with The Gold Vipers, from now until the end."

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now