What's Done is Done

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Kenichi's POV:

Winter break was officially over.

Shinju was out with a few of the gang members to take care of a murder for Vint, the leader of his own team down in the sewers. Fox was on a vacation down in Florida. Akihito was getting ready for his move, which was coming up quicker than expected. Two months.

And I sat on my bed, wondering how to get Coda and Kingo back. But there was one thing I was sure of; I had to get to Aaron's house. I had to find his diary.

I got ready as quick as I could, exhausted, hungry, but determined enough. I got on my motorcycle and drove towards downtown, where Oak and Bronx lived.

Minutes felt like hours. I wanted to let go of my motorcycle handle. I wanted to crash and never be seen again, but a force kept me going. A force inside me kept me going; I needed Coda back safe. And as much as I disliked Kingo for what he supposedly did to Aaron, I wanted him safe too.

And maybe I'd find out more by finding his diary.

I pulled up to the house. Praying it was the right one, I knocked on the door five times. There was a long pause before I could hear some rustling through the house, and Oak was standing before me. "Kenichi? Come inside, come inside."

I was let inside by the man, and he smiled at me. "Any news from Aaron?"

He's still optimistic. There's no way he has hope after him being gone this long.

I shook my head. "If I'm being honest, I don't know if he'll come back."

"He will." Oak said.  "Aaron has done this before. I believe he will return and be more than happy to see us."

I didn't reply.

"Did you need anything in particular?" Oak asked. "Bronx and I are preparing for dinner."

"It may be a weird question to ask, but.." I took a deep breath. "I need to look through Aaron's room. I think there may be some insight on where he is."

"Of course, that's perfectly fine." Oak smiled. "Though, where's that blue haired friend of yours?"

"He's busy, and I guess I just thought to do it myself." I said.

"Aaron's never had friends before, this is all new and exciting!" Oak started walking back towards the kitchen. "Call if you need anything, I am more than happy to help."

"Thanks." I turned to the hallway and stared down until my eyes rested on Aaron's room. His room.. the bloody note... the tech deck...

The love letter.

I never finished that love letter.

Aaron's room was as dark as ever, and just how Shinju and I had left it. I immediately went over to his drawers where I opened it and pulled out a series of poems, journals, notes, and letters. All had his beautiful, cursive-ish handwriting, and all was marked with what had to have been his initials, A.A. What's his last name?

I pulled out one of his journals that seemed to be recent and started reading.

Zixin Liu, I know, is a force that cannot be reckoned with. His whole gang is filled with extreme quirk users like Izora, Maxwell, Arlo and Kylo, and some who have connections to the greatest of forces. I myself know that Zixin is all bark no bite, but I'm afraid one day he will bite, and when he does, all that barking will ring through many ears for years to come.

My greatest concern is Orion. He had once been close with Zixin, but had told me that he was untrustworthy and secretive. But I saw them talking a few days ago and I have a bad feeling. Zixin is a traitor and a manipulator and will continue to be just that. And I fully am aware that The Bloody Mambas stand in great danger against Zixin's own gang.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now