His White Shadow

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Maxwell's POV:

Toronto looked more abolished than ever before. The sky was barely visible as blue anymore, rather a dark sunken gray that would cause alarm in even the toughest of soldiers.

None of my classmates were around. It was just me. Me in this abandoned city.

I walked forward on the streets. I couldn't recognize them like I used to. This place I've spent growing up in for most my life...

It was nothing but deserted!

But in the midst of my observations, a glowing orange light appeared in my peripheral vision. Turning around, it was the figure of a human, standing on top of what I thought was to be the First Canadian Place Building.

I nudged Naga, who was sleeping around my neck. She huffed and slowly arose from her slumber.

"Naga," I said. "Zoom me in."

In seconds, I was able to recognize the figure standing upon the building.

Kenichi Todoroki, lava fist up in the air. And he looked angry.

However, this was but a vision. A dream that I had while sleeping with my class.

But I was not fooled. If anything, this was merely a glimpse into the future.

Kenichi was going to stop this war. We just had to find him.

"I know where he is," Kingo told us in the morning.

"Where who is?" Milo muttered, rubbing their eyes.

"Kenichi," Kingo confirmed my thoughts.

"Where is he then?" I asked.

"Think about it," Kingo started. "Everytime Kenichi gets himself into trouble, he hides. Usually it's in his house because that's his safe place. But he can't hide in his house, that would be too obvious of a hiding spot, and I bet the Shirokages have already checked there."

"Alright..." Ryker said, jotting down something in his notepad that oddly he always seemed to carry around.

"He's hiding in another safe place," Kingo concluded. "But somewhere that nobody would even think of. Somewhere in the borders of Toronto, but somewhere that nobody would think of. He's got to be plotting something."

"He should hurry it up," Astaroth mumbled. "Or else we'll be killed. All of us."

"Let's stay optimistic," Akihito chimed in. "Because I've got a database with me and coordinates to anything we could possibly think of, all arranged by me."

I peeked over at Akihito's setup, brows raised. There was a map with multiple different settings and profiles and information, something I couldn't even make with Naga's help.

Akihito is quite the genius.

"Let's go find Kenichi guys," Kingo said. "He has to be hiding somewhere in his dad's agency, maybe a cellar or something."

"Let's not do that," Astaroth retorted. "We're much safer here in this... alleyway, than we'd ever be in the middle of goddamn downtown Toronto."

I could see both sides of this argument, as I listened in on Kingo and Astaroth fighting. It was high risk but high reward. Finding Kenichi would be the hardest part, the most dangerous, but if we happened to find him, he had the potential to stop the war before it got as bad as it could.

The military barely existed anymore in this day in age. It was usually for quirkless individuals, or individuals with useless quirks. But I could hear a corral of shooting in the distance. I assumed things were getting heated.

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