Swelling Thoughts

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Kenichi's POV:

"Kingo Hano." I hissed under my breath, not turning to look at him.

Kingo bursted out in laughter. "Pfft, you didn't even think I was a super villain for a second? I thought I changed my voice perfectly!"

Anyone could recognize your foul tone from anywhere. I know what you did to Aaron, and I know there's something up with you.

"I saw you walking alone and I took the opportunity to ask you something.." Kingo started walking alongside me. "I want to become the vice captain of The Bloody Mambas."

"Absolutely not." I shut his idea down.

Kingo's eyebrows furrowed, and I could see strands of hair sticking up, as if static electricity was pulling them. "Shinju doesn't do anything good for the gang, I would be a much better fit!"

"Like hell." I snapped. "Shinju and I built this gang together, I wouldn't just make you vice captain out of nowhere when you've done nothing to prove yourself worthy!"

Quite frankly you've done the opposite, and instead have shown my why you're not a good fit.

Kingo shrugged. "Worth a shot. I'll prove my worth to you like I did before."

Yeah, by illegally attacking a couple cops.

I looked him up and down and walked away. I didn't need him interfering with my train of thought at the moment.

But as I continued walkimg home and reached my house, I felt a strong urge not to go in. I couldn't bring myself to walk up my driveway. My thoughts started running in circles, and I could feel my vision flickering.

On and off.


I wanted to go to Shinju's house. But I know his brothers hate me.

I reached for my phone and dialed his number. He immediately picked up. "Kenny? Kenichi, what's up?"

I could feel a rollercoaster of emotions swelling up. I didnt even know why I called; I didn't know if I was too scared to go to my house, or if Kingo had me fucked up, or if Akihito's quirk burst brought me back to my own seven years ago..

I clenched my teeth as tears poured down my face. All I was able to mutter out, "Shinju.. come over please."

I could hear him say something and then hang up. He had to have been coming over.

I walked up to my porch and waited for him. I tried drying the tears and regulating my emotions before he came; he wouldn't love me like this. I don't even know why I called.

Minutes pass and I can hear his motorcycle pull up. He got off it and took his helmet off, rushing over to me. "Kenichi, are you okay?"

Are you okay. Three words that can make you question your sanity, your mental state, and even worse, make any emotions your feeling 10x stronger.

And I didn't even know what that feeling I was feeling even was.

I leapt up from the spot I was sitting and cling onto Shinju, crying into his chest. I couldn't see his expression or what he felt; he didn't say anything at all. I could feel him place one hand on the back of my head and another around my lower back.

Burnt to Ashes - Kenichi TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now