Beam and Forth have separated after a huge fight on the day of Forth's graduation.
For five long years, Beam has missed him and regrets that he never said the truth during the argument. Will he ever have the strength to correct his mistake?
They were all correct, I think to myself as I swing my carry all over my shoulder. I can't stop myself from whistling as I look at the guest house. It's cute, I decide. Ming and Wayo have done a nice job. Well, Wayo has. For someone who protested so much he wasn't going into the family trade, he settled down nicely into this pretty spot on the beach.
I saunter over to the small cabana labeled "Guest Registry" and ring the bell. I'm almost knocked over as a slim, young man comes flying out and tackles me in a hug. I feel my skin crawl but I hide it.
"Hey Wayo! Calm down!"
"It's been way too long, Beam! I'm thrilled to see you! Is it just you?" He's almost jumping out of his skin. "I called Ming, he will be here tomorrow since he's not working this weekend." I smiling. I don't remember the last time I smiled like this.
I listened only with half an ear to Wayo's non stop chatter. He's changed. Greatly changed from the youth that was stuck in Phana's shadow. He bloomed without him.
After he showed me to my guest house, and helped me settle in, he paused and searched my face. "Beam, you look tired. Do you want to rest before dinner?"
Ah, he's even more perceptive now. Giving him a genuine smile, I gently shake my head, no. "I'd like to go to the beach, please, Yo."
He snorts at me. "Yo! I haven't heard that in years! My dad always hated me being called that, you know. Even Ming calls me Wayo now." He faces the door. "Follow me, I'll show you the path to the beach. Do you want to change first? I can wait outside."
"No need." As a doctor, I have no body shame. There's no time for that silly stuff. I strip and change and it's Wayo that still blushes. In 2 minutes, I'm ready. "Let's go."
I giggle when he can't meet my eyes. "Wayo?"
"Did you see something you weren't supposed to?"
"What? No! I didn't peek!"
"Then why are you blushing?" I tease him gently. Who still blushes when they're almost 25?
"Beaaam! Don't you dare start teasing me! I never thought the Casanova would strip his clothes off in front of me." He paused, and then slowly, carefully, "I really believed in Forth and you. It broke my poor heart to hear you two split."
I shrug. "It broke mine as well. But Wayo, maybe you can witness history being made this weekend."
We reach the beach and I stare at the ocean. It's stunning. The clear blue water meets the blue sky and I can't tell where one ends and the other begins.
Waves crash against white sands, leaving foamy trails...
The best part? I see only one other person!
"Well? What do you think of our small beach?"
"It's perfect!" I breath out the words... I know I'm spending every hour I possibly can here, on this soft sand. "Absolutely perfect."
"Before I go, what did you mean, making history."
Right, I have to let Yo in on the plan or it wouldn't work. "Forth's back. He will hunt me down. Let him, Yo. I want this beach to be where our showdown takes place." I turn and face him. "I want it to happen with the same people, the same cast that was around me when he broke my heart."
I face the ocean again and let my voice go soft and distant. "I know that when he finds me, Pha and Kit will follow. Can you and Ming handle it? Is your relationship in a good place? Strong? I can go elsewhere."
I feel Yo's eyes on me. They are studying me intently. After a long time, he asks the big question, "You still love him, don't you?"
"Yes I do." I face him and meet his eyes. "But love was never our problem, Yo. Forth never had faith and trust in me. This time, before we both just fall back into the same pattern, I need to know if he will trust me. If I can trust him when he says he has changed."
Wayo surprised me again! Once more he hugged me. "I believe in love. I will help." I almost missed the tears in his eyes as he left me on the beach.
I swam in the ocean and lay on the beach right up until Wayo himself came and got me for dinner. He stared at my sandy body and just shook his head.
"You remind me of the small kids we see here on school breaks." He snorted. "That's my least favorite time of running the guest home." He took my hand and tugged it, urging me to walk faster. "The chef made you some local delicacies. Hurry!"
He dropped me off at my small home for the weekend, leaving only after I promised to be ready in 30 minutes. When he returned, he had a funny look on his face. I wasn't sure if it was pity or not. "You look nice, Beam. Definitely more relaxed than you did on arrival."
Again, he took my hand. When did he become so touchy? Did Ming allow him to touch everyone like this? Well, it didn't look like I was going to be able to stop him, he definitely had a mind of his own now. "What's wrong, Wayo?"
"Hmm? Oh, nothing."
"I'm a doctor. Don't tell me nothing. I can read it in your face."
"You were right. Forth did find you. Or Phana, I'm not sure which one, but my part timer confirmed you as a guest and they hung up rather than leaving you a message. Instead, they asked if there were any bookings available."
His grip on my hand tightened. "I'm not sure if I should apologize for her behavior or not, Beam. She said to drop by, we had so many empty that it wasn't necessary to reserve right now."
I wanted to laugh. "It's fine, Yo. Let's enjoy our dinner. Think of it as the calm before the storm. Or before the shit hits the fan." I am not going to do deep breathing exercises or sigh! I am not! I choose this! "At least we know Forth or whoever can't be here until tomorrow."
Wayo smiled back at me. "You were the sane one, Beam. Kit was too emotional, and Pha was never emotional. Forth was lucky. I wondered at the time why I never fell in love with you."
I smiled down at him. "You silly boy! You always were in love with Ming. You only crushed on Phana. It was Ming who never recognized what he had until you were coupled with Pha and so damn unhappy."
Now I really do sigh. "Ming and Kit... that was fireworks, wasn't it? Watching from the sidelines? I wonder what it will be like to see those two in the same room?"
"I told Ming. He laughed and said, I'm fine and so will Kitty. His current man has pulled all his nails!"
We both laughed and had a delightful dinner. Wayo turned out to be a great host!
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