Beam and Forth have separated after a huge fight on the day of Forth's graduation.
For five long years, Beam has missed him and regrets that he never said the truth during the argument. Will he ever have the strength to correct his mistake?
I slept so wonderfully that I was up with the sun. I hadn't felt so good in years. My mind was clear and thought free. Peaceful, I walked slowly down to the beach and sat on a chair, cradling my cup of coffee.
I should be scared, worried about what the day ahead would bring. I wasn't. I wasn't even concerned about anyone finding me. They were supposed to. One way or another, everything would be settled this weekend.
All of the old, past hurts that haunted me, night after night, would end this weekend. I felt free and uplifted.
I turned, and smiled. "Oh hi, Ming." I gestured to the chaise lounge next to me. "Please join me."
He sat down and returned my smile. "I wasn't sure you wanted company. You looked quite peaceful. Wayo mentioned you came here for rest and relaxation."
I burst out laughing at that. Shaking my head to indicate no, "I'm afraid that's wrong. It's going to be far from relaxing once the rest get here. Enjoy the peace while we can, Ming."
Quizzically, he stared at me. "You don't think that Forth will want to reconcile?"
I shrug. "He says he does. Can I trust his words?" I meet Ming's gaze. "Would you? He told me directly he never wanted to even breath the same air as I, that I was too busy fucking other men to have time for him."
I stare at the waves crashing on the white sand, turning it a pale grey. "It devastated me. I didn't function for a whole year, not really. I saw him everywhere I went. I waited for him to come back." My arms hugged my legs to my chest as I felt the familiar tightening. "It hurt, Ming. It hurt."
I felt his hand coming and I flinched. "Sorry, Beam. I only wanted to comfort you." He snorted. "Wayo said he was able to give you a hug last night."
"That was Wayo. You're not him." I shrugged. Wayo is a tiny bean. Ming's a big man, like Forth. All muscles. What was it about engineers that says they need all those muscles? "It's nothing personal, you know. I'm better than I was." He could take that for what it was.
Instead of dealing with my idiosyncrasies further, he changed the topic. "So would you like to tell me how facing my ex and his new man will help you with Forth?"
Now I laugh. This is the Ming who drove Kit crazy. Blunt and to the point. "Sure, I don't mind." Quickly, I outline how I expect things to go down once they arrive and how I expect to "hide".
Ming is still very quick and sees instantly how this will either prove Forth has changed or has doubts about me. He spots the fly in the honey jar. The one thing I haven't been able to figure out. "Phana will spoil it. He knows you too well."
"I know." I rock in the chaise. "I don't know what to do about him." Admitting it is a huge relief. "Do you have any suggestions, Ming?"
"Actually, I do. Pha has always felt apologetic to Wayo for what happened. Ask Wayo to distract him."
"I can't do that to Wayo! Or to you. It's not acceptable." I'm shocked and horrified that he would even suggest that.
"Look Beam, at one point, I even suggested a threesome with the good doctor because Wayo was so unhappy. I have to admit, I still find Phana very attractive. I know Wayo still does. WE both still care about him. We don't understand him, but caring isn't always about understanding, is it?"
I think deeply on what he said, so much that I fail to notice when he leaves. I'm mindlessly staring at the ocean, watching the morning sun reflect off the ocean. It dances and shimmers, radiating beauty.
I lost track of time. By the time I stretch my arms and stand up, I notice I have company. In the chaise lounge next to me is a sleeping Kit. Fuck! When did he arrive? I try to be quiet and slip past him but he grabs my thigh and stops me.
"Sit back down, Beam." He has that commanding, bitchy note in his voice. I drop like a stone onto the lounger.
"What?" I whine? Yes, I can whine. I'm on vacation!
"Did you think running to Wayo's would stop any of us? That we wouldn't think of looking here just because of the past?"
"Yes!" No, I knew it wouldn't. Actually, I hoped it would be on the top of your list... you stupid idiots. I kept my face blank. It was hard as hell since I wanted to chortle with glee!
"Phana found you at 10:30 last night. Unfortunately, it was too late to arrive and book in, so we drove up first thing this morning." He sounded pissed. He would. He sets his own hours.
"Is Bennie with you?" I'm curious, Bennie wouldn't think of doing an intervention. At least, I don't think so...
"Hell yes! He thinks you need someone on "your side." He feels Pha and I gang up on you too much." Ah, okay, now I understand why he's being pissy. Bennie gave him a rare lecture. Bennie is a sweetie, but usually lets Kit do as he wishes.
"You do pick on me!" I defend myself. "You're both always telling me what to do! That I'm trying to kill myself blah, blah, blah..."
"Look at yourself..." Kit was cut off by Wayo.
"Nice to see some things don't change. Hello, Kit. Welcome to my resort." Wayo gave a small waii and then screwed up his face. "Please stop nagging my guest. He finally doesn't look tired."
"Pardon me, Wayo, but this doesn't involve you! Beam, tell him!" Kit's hurt now and I love it. It's the first time Yo has ever stood up to him and he's in shock. First Bennie and now this. It's pure entertainment for me!
"No, defend yourself, Kit. Thank you, Wayo." I stood and looked at the stunned Kit. "I'm leaving, Wayo, walk with me?"
As we leave, and finally out of Kit's hearing, Wayo smiled at me. "How did I do? Goodness, that was harder than I thought! I'm a good host!"
Crowing with delight, "Perfect, Yo, it was perfect. No, YOU were perfect." I did a small dance just before the guest homes came in sight. So who all came?"
Wayo took a deep breath and blew his bangs up. "You were right on my expanded guest list. I put Phana in the house next to you on the right, Forth is in the house on the left and Kit and his man are directly opposite."
He dropped to his heels and took several more deep breaths. I guess it was to steady himself. Maybe for strength to go on. I don't know. Then I heard him say, "They all insisted that they be as close to you as possible, Beam."
"Phana wanted the key to your guest house actually. I refused. I thought the vein in his forehead would pop. Did you really tell me the truth of what's going on?"
I reach down and pat the top of his head. "Yes, Yo, I did. 48 more hours and it's all over. Hang in there. Just 48 more hours."
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