02 ~ Best friends

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"Table 5 needs another order of fries!" I yell into the kitchen while writing down an order I got from table 7.

After I finished giving food to my tables I quickly went into the waitress area to take my break when another waitress that I work with came behind me giving me a cupcake.

I smile taking the cupcake out of her hands and into my mouth "for me?"

"You earned it like seriously how do you do it" she says, clearly she's exhausted with food on her apron.

I shrug "I couldn't go one day without dropping at least one plate of food."

I laughed slightly, finishing my cupcake pretty quickly.

"That's only because you take more than you can carry." I say while fixing my messy hair.

"It's not my fault the kitchen people are just too fast." I laugh as she says this.

"Well they kinda have to." I say shaking my head.

She rolls her eyes then leaves heading out "well my shifts over see ya." I wave a small bye to her.

I checked my phone the time is 6pm with only two hours left.

After a long hard day at work all i wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep but unfortunately my best friend Cleo had other plans in store for me.

"Girl come on were gonna be late" she shouts in my ear dragging me to the cafe.

The thing about Cleo is she never takes no for an answer and she herself doesn't know how to say no. She's about 5'9 with pale blond hair that looks white in the sunlight and light olive green eyes with a slight tan and a bit curvy she's a dream girl.

On the other hand I'm 5'4 with brown hair and i have blue eyes, i have tan skin because of my Hispanic side and my body is skinny but I do have curves.

"Hurry up before the place closes" she says running into the small cafe practically dragging me.

"I'm coming geez." I roll my eyes picking up my pace.

We sit down at the table close to the window our usual place for coffee and donuts.

"I cannot wait for you to meet Nate he's so sweet and amazing" she says smiling wide.

"Tell me again how long have you guys been dating?" I ask I have to hide my suspicion but I've never heard of him and our town is small enough I would have known him.

"Um, only a few weeks but it's been the best weeks of my life" she says blushing. Wow she must really be in deep with this guy but how much does she really know about this Nate guy.

I'm gonna have to do some detective work.

"Well if your happy, I'm happy." I say smiling a little. May as well give this guy the benefit of the doubt if he makes her this happy.

"Omg here he comes" she quickly fluffs her long blond hair like she's in a movie.

He sat down in the chair next to Cleo and gave her a small peck on the cheek.

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