27 ~ Lie for you

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I want this to last forever. Just me and Alex holding each other curled up on the couch. After a few rounds of sex we ended up falling asleep together.

It's weird to think about how fast we fell in love and how hard I fell for him despite what his brother did or what Cleo did.

I know it won't last. It makes me want to crawl into a ball and die but everything has an ending.

Just as my mind reaches the outcome my phone rings. Carful to not wake Alex up I grab it and go into the other room.

"Is this Ivy Thomas?" An unfamiliar woman's voice speaks.

"Yes who is this?"

"I'm calling from the hospital. Cleo is checked in and she keeps asking for you."

Why would she be there?

"I'll be there soon but something happened?"

"Yes I'm sorry but someone saw her fall off a cliff and pulled her before she got seriously hurt."

Fell?? She fell off a cliff? Something isn't right here.

"Is she hurt in any way?"

I rush to grab my car keys and hurry to the hospital while still on the phone.

"She has some cuts and bleeding and will need a few stitches but nothing serious enough to cause lasting damage."

I sigh in relief and end the call.

I'm happy she is not really hurt but what happened? What really happened?

Cleo hates the beach. She would never go near a cliff. How could she have fallen?

I don't know if she will tell me. We have been through too much for her to keep lying and keeping secrets.

It's time to unleash it all and get to the truth.


I can't believe what I did. Why did I do that?

Because you wanted to die.

I keep reminding myself of that.

No matter how much time I keep replaying it in my mind. I still can't believe that Henry saved me.

I don't really know if it was him, my mind was drifting but it had to be.

I don't know how he knew but he did. He also left before any words were spoken between us.

Ivy. What is she doing here?

The hospital gave me some drugs so I was out of it when they gave me the three stitches but I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything when they mentioned any family.

Did I?

Fuck. I don't remember or maybe I don't want to remember but she's here now and I'm not going to be able to explain everything.

"Cleo what happened?" Ivy rushes over to me and trapped me into a bear hug.

"Nothing I just fell" I purposely be vague about it.

"Cleo please stop lying. We have been through enough together."

I shrug. I can't tell her. She would probably put me in a mental hospital or make me visit a therapist. That's something I would never do.

I'm not a nut case.

I'm not crazy.

"I'm not lying. Its no big deal don't worry."

She studied me carefully but seems to let it go. For now.


I'm not going to let this go.

She is definitely lying about something. I believe she might have fallen. But at the beach?

No way.

Right after I dropped her off I get a call from Henry.

"Henry hey I'm sorry I haven't seen you but now isn't a good time."

"Yeah I know. Did Cleo talk to you?"

"Um yeah the hospital called me. How did you know?" Henry doesn't know Cleo very well so him talking about her surprised me.

"Well...I drove her there but I didn't want to stay they would probably blame me for it."

"What exactly happened?" I need to be careful because he may not tell me the truth.

I'm also curious of how he knew where she was.

"I think you should be there for Cleo. I want to tell you but it's not my business. I'll see you later." With all that being said he hangs up.

I'm more confused then ever.

I know she's going through a hard time but what would Henry know about it? Why would she go to him?

God everything is a mess.

Fuck! Now Alex is calling me.

"Hey what's up?" I do my best to control my tone.

"Hey, can we talk at your place? I really need to discuss some things?"

Oh no.

What could possibly go wrong?

Before I speak he says.

"It's about Nate."


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