08 ~ First date

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"Do you think this one looks good?" I whine looking at Cleo who is laying down on my bed looking up at the ceiling, she seemed a little down and tired.

I will ask her later about what happened.

"For the hundredth time you look great" she says finally sitting up to look at my fifth outfit I have tried on.

I wanna look good. "Meh I don't know you don't think it's to short?" I ask her to glance at my dark red short dress, my hair is curly and put into a high ponytail and I have mascara, matte lipstick and a little blush on my cheeks.

 "Meh I don't know you don't think it's to short?" I ask her to glance at my dark red short dress, my hair is curly and put into a high ponytail and I have mascara, matte lipstick and a little blush on my cheeks

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My phone rings-- it's Alex I pick it up looking at Cleo she gives me a thumbs up and leaves

I wonder what's wrong with her.

"Hey I'll be there in 5 minutes" he says quickly then hangs up.

I hope this date goes well.

I think about Cleo she left right after Alex called me not even saying goodbye it's a little strange but I need to remind myself that I'm only going out with Alex to get closer and find out about Nate.

And maybe for me.

The bell rings breaking me out of my thoughts I quickly dust my dress off hoping I look good.

I open the door a little hesitant maybe I should rethink this idea...

"Wow you look beautiful" he smiles breaking me out of my thoughts holy shit he looks amazing.

He usually wears black but now he has on a plain white shirt along with a tan suit jacket, black fancy pants as I call them and white high top shoes.

Even though it's a little casual then what he normally wears he looks good.

he always does.

He clears his throat catching me staring "see something you like" he's teasing me

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He clears his throat catching me staring "see something you like" he's teasing me.

I smile and can't hide the blush that goes to my face "maybe" I tease a little bit.

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