01 ~ Meeting

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Being here at the bar is nice but when you're Meeting the person you were talking to online it's a little scarier. Here I am and I'm not going to back down now. Not when I'm this close to meeting my soul mate Nathan grey.

We started talking online during the summer then after we got done with school we decided to meet. That's why I'm here at an old styled bar drinking from my glass while impatiently waiting his arrival.

My best friend ivy wouldn't understand, that's why I didn't tell her. She knows me like no one else but at the same time we disagree a lot I can't bear to think about her reaction to me right now.

I feel a slight tap on the shoulder making me turn around to see Nate in the flesh "hey" he says smiling but eyeing me very carefully.

I smile back saying a quick 'hey' and I go to hug him but that makes him back up a little.

Well this isn't awkward.

"C'mon lets sit down at a booth" I follow him to a small booth in the corner. A perfect place for some privacy.

Now that we're in the dim light I can see his facial features better.

He has dark brown eyes and curly dark hair.

There's something about dark curly hair that is so pretty and unique much different than my blonde straight hair.

His face is a little different then I remember, his nose is a little too big for his round face but it looks good on him. Everything about him was perfect but there is a certain darkness in his eyes that I can't place.

"So did you wanna order some food?" He looks at the small menu.

I nod as we wait for the waitress.

"Wow your even more beautiful in person." He says gazing at me and his hand touches mine. There's something Romantic about the way he talks.

I smile "well I think you look great."

He smiles back at me. "I love your hair it's like the sun, bright and beautiful"

"if I'm the sun what does that make you?" I tease a little.

he looked at me intensely when something dark came over his eyes "I'm the rain."

I don't understand what he meant but I think that it makes us the perfect storm.

I don't understand what he meant but I think that it makes us the perfect storm

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