17 ~ The truth

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I kiss Ivy's lips one more time "are you sure you can't come I could show you my place but most importantly my bed" I say teasing her.

She giggles softly "I would love that but no I have my work and I need to stay with Cleo."

I knew she would say that but no harm in asking.

"Ok I'll see you soon" she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Those simple words give me life. Happiness is all I feel when I'm with Ivy.

While I'm on the plane I have this sudden feeling to turn back like a gut feeling that I'm gonna regret leaving.

Maybe I'm being homesick it has been a while since I have been home and spent time with my family. Now that I have Ivy in my life the feeling is even stronger.

"Sir would you like something to drink?" The flight attendant asks.

"Scotch" it's gonna be a long flight so one drink won't hurt.

She smiles then turns around walking away while swaying her hips. I'm not even tempted to look all I can think about is Ivy.

This feeling is new and exciting being happy by just the thought of Ivy. I don't know if this is what love feels like but it's pretty damn close.


I walk into my living area, everything seems to be in order.

"Penny?" I call out setting my bags down.

"Oh, your back already" she hurries into the room looking tired.

"Yeah, business waits for no one, how are things here?" I ask looking around a little making sure everything is in order.

She nods smiling "good I handed everything."

"Thanks, penny I will be at the office for the rest of the day so you can leave," I say going to my home office to gather my work supplies.

She walks in a hurry behind me to catch up with me "are you sure? Won't you need lunch?"

I turn around to face her "go be with your family I can order something."

She smiles wide "Thank you Alex."

I nod smiling back then we leave the apartment together. She is going to her husband and child while I head to my stressful job.

Sitting down in my desk in my big corner office usually feels good but now I'm counting down the days till I can go back home.


Before when I lived in Thorn-View as a kid it never felt like home I didn't have a lot of friends. I was a loner.

I made friends with Henry even though he was younger then me. He was always my little buddy.

A sigh slips my lips as I now notice the pile of paper work on my desk.

Time to get to work.


While Alex is gone I binge watch netflix in my PJs just a lazy day just for me.

I pick up my phone going through my texts when I noticed a missed call from Cleo and a text from her from midnight. Her mom left yesterday but things are still tense.

I see one word that makes my blood turn cold.


I hurry to get up not bothering to get dressed. I need to get there as fast as possible. Something is telling me this is Nate's fault.

What if he hurt her? Will I get there in time? I should have checked my phone earlier.

I run into her house the door was unlocked.

"Cleo" I call out in a rush.

"In Here" I hear a strangled voice call out. Cleo's in her room.

I can't help but let a gasp out at the scene in front of me.

Cleo is covered in bruises while red blood drips from her nose.

I rush to her side grabbing a tissue to stop the blood from dripping down.

"Oh my god what happened?" I say looking at her.

"I- I fell.." she says quietly.

A frown touches my lips "you can't be serious did Nate do this?" Why can't she just say it? I know he's doing this.

She attempts to speak but nothing comes out as if she's looking for an answer. Eventually she just sighs then nods.

My blood boils.

How dare he. I already suspected but now that Cleo has confirmed just makes me angrier.

"Where is he?" I ask her firmly.

"I don't know, he left last night." She says looking into my eyes for the first time since I got here so I know she's telling me the truth.

"Ok can you tell me exactly what happened?" I ask giving her a expression that says you better not lie to me.

She just looks away "can we talk later...I just want to sleep."

I understand her hesitant but this is serious. Despite my feelings I need to think about Cleo "ok lay down I'll get you some hot cocoa and some soup you need to eat."

She smiles a little "thanks."

I smile a little and put the blanket over her body while she closes her eyes.

I watch her sleep for a little bit. I can't help her. It's the hard truth I need to face.

A certain idea pops into my head out of nowhere.

This is all Nate's fault.

What if he was gone?

What if he was gone?

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