09 ~ Thoughts

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warning abuse ⚠️

Another bad night.

I'm laying beside Nathan naked in my bedroom today was Ivy's date. If I'm being honest I'm worried about her.

What if Alex is like Nathan? What if he hurts her?

I can't let that happen to her like it's happening to me.

I don't know why I'm still with Nathan even after he hurts me not just mentally but physically.

The beatings are better than being alone.

I feel like if I lose him I will have nothing. No one to hold me and know one to show me romantic love.

I know that there is different types of love like family, friend, and romantic love from a lover.

I know it's complicated but I think I love Nathan and my mom always told me "love is hard so once you find it don't let it go even if it hurts."

I plan on following her advice and try to make it work with Nathan even if it hurts.

I can hear him groan waking up from his sleep.

"You were amazing baby" he says looking at me and grabs my waist roughly bringing my butt closer to his front.

"Thanks, you too" I mumble trying to loosen his grip a bit.

"Don't do that" he says whispering into my ear and growling a little while his nails dig into my hips.

Tears start falling down my cheeks "please stop, your hurting me."

The pain of his fingers in my hip's loosens a little and I sigh in relief.

"Your nothing but my little slut" he whispers harshly into my ear and then he gets off my bed quickly putting his clothes on.

"I-I'm sorry" I whisper quietly trying to sit up a little but my legs feel so sore.

He looks at me "It's ok baby you'll learn eventually" he says threatening and then he leaves slamming the door behind him.

Once he's finally gone I cry my eyes out until the pain washes away.

Does he even care about me or does he like seeing me in pain all caused by him.


This morning I woke up with a smile.

Going out with Alex was the best decision I could have made. I hear a bing coming from my phone I look at my phone a text from Alex that says 'good morning sunshine.'

That brings a big grin to my face along with a blush.

I text him back 'good morning.'

He texts back right away 'wanna go out for breakfast?'

'Of course meet you at the cafe" I send. He has to know what cafe I'm talking about because it's the only one in town.

He sends me a wink and thumbs up emoji.

I quickly take a shower, get dressed, wash my face, brush my hair, and put on lipstick.

My outfit consists of simple mom jeans and a white t-shirt.

Once I arrive at the cafe I look around, its pretty empty in here. Alex isn't here so I sit down at a small corner booth. I order a hot chocolate but wait to order food.

"This seat open" I hear Alex's voice say.

I look up at him smiling.

"It sure is."

After we order we sit in comfortable silence as his phone binges. He sighs his attention going to it. While I just sit watching him he's wearing a suit which is usually what he wears but it's kind of weird considering the warm weather we have.

I guess he's still in CEO mode.

He puts his phone away looking at me with disappointment in his eyes "I'm sorry I have some important work to do at home."

I can't help but feel a little disappointed that he's leaving we barely had any time to hang out.

"It's alright go ahead" I say trying to reassure him but he seems hesitant.

He grabs my hand softly. I can't help the blush that appears he is the only man that has this unexplainable effect on me.

Sometimes it scares me but also excites me and I can't help but want to be around him all the time I wish I could feel like this all the time.

"How about we go out tonight I'll make it a surprise just for you" he smiles.

I smile back struggling not to get lost in his brown eyes that never fail to make me melt.

"Sounds good" He gives a light feather like kiss on the back of my hand.

"Can't wait" he says.

He quickly walks away leaving me cold and alone.

I gaze down at my hand remembering the feeling of his kiss.

I gaze down at my hand remembering the feeling of his kiss

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