24 ~ Teenage fatality

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When I looked in the newspaper today. I did not expect what I saw. Nate's body was found in the woods and people are going crazy calling this a teenage fatality.

How could they find his body in the woods? We put him in the river?

What the fuck is going on?

The article states.

'Thornview the new town for crime'

'Teenager Nathan Grey found dead in the apple park woods. Police called this a suicide but recent discoveries have shown that this is indeed a murder.'

I keep reading but it gets worse.

'Nathan Grey was 18 years old and is the brother of the CEO Alexander Grey. Nate is described as kind, smart and determined. This town will never be the same as we have lost a young soul in our peaceful town.'

I can't believe what I'm reading. I highly doubt Nate had any friends or even liked anyone in this town. Even as I read the article they mentioned Alex but not his parents.

People don't really care about Nate they just want the attention his death gives to this small town.

But why did they find is body and how?

I'm so confused. I don't believe Cleo said or did anything but its a possibility.

Come on Cleo, please don't do anything stupid.


Fucking police officer. I paid a lot of money to make sure no one knew about finding Nate's body but someone blabbed.

Yes I paid the cops extra to bring me any extra information. I wanted to keep the information private just until I could tell my parents and let them grieve in peace without all of the public knowing our business.

Fuck, now my parents are gonna see this. It's just going to add more fire to my dad's rage.

My dad is the one who kept asking the police to look for evidence of a murderer and I guess they found it.

But who? And more importantly why?

I keep asking myself those same questions everyday but come up empty.

My dad thinks it could be one of Nate's Stoner friends but I don't think so. When I was here not once did Nate ask for money.

This is tiring, I can't keep going on like this. I know it's worse for my parents but I have a lot of regrets.

I wish, I hadn't left home so soon.

I wish, I was there for Nate.

I wish, I knew who murdered him.

I could have stopped it.

All of these regrets I have are just what reminds me that I have to keep living and trying to do right by Nate.

I need to find the person who did this.

For my brother.

For my brother

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