21 ~ Darkness

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I can't do this anymore, hearing my mom's cries while my dad yells on the phone, yet I am sitting here staring off into space wondering how this could have happened to my brother. My brother.

In this small town they barely have any crime but here we are. I guess not every town is as peaceful as it looks.

Can I honestly say that he killed himself. Did Nate want to die?

We never talked about death before but he seemed to be afraid of it. One time he admitted to me, he was afraid the only time he ever opened up to me.

But that was long ago when we were young. To young to understand that life is beautiful and amazing.

Was his life amazing? Did he have purpose? Like I did.

How well did I even know my own brother?

I'm just so confused. I can't comfort my parents because I don't understand why or how this could have happened.

I guess he found the courage to do it. To....die.

"Come on Alex we're going to the police station. We're going to get to the bottom of this." My dad says storming out of the house.

Here we go.


People are talking and the talk is not good. Rumors are going around like wild fire.

Some are unbelievable like that Nate was this saint who did so much for the community. Or maybe that he was depressed and just decided to end it all.

I don't care what people think but the reality is this wasn't a accident. I didn't think it would go anywhere but even Alex's parents are demanding the police to do more investigating.

This is all a mess my mind is in jumbles and worse of all-- I can't find Cleo.

We need to talk and figure out some kind of alibi as to where we were on the night of Nate's death.

I pick up my phone calling her multiple times but still there's no answer.

Fuck, Cleo what are you doing?

I can't keep walking around in circles trying to make sense of this. I can't let Cleo handle it all.

Ok. Time to take some action and handle the situation before things get to crazy.

I dial Alex's number and wait as it rings. But the moment I hear his voice my heart is on alert.

"Hello...." It sounds like an echo through my phone. I take a breath and my eyes close but I see....blood.

So much blood. Nate's corpse. How his mom cried.

I can see Alex. His eyes filled with anger and confusion.

My body feels numb.

Then everything goes dark.

Then everything goes dark

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