23 ~ Mistake

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After our second round of steamy sex, I can't believe we are going again or that I'm lasting this long without passing out.

But here I am on top of him riding him our moans filling up the room together.

"Fuck baby" Alex says while the bed creaks.

Alex brings his hands to my waist moving me up and down faster and harder. Sweat rolls off my body as I bounce on him.

"I can't- it's too much" I moan louder trying my best to keep going but getting tired while my thighs wobble.

Unexpected he turns us around and makes me lay down on my stomach sitting me in the doggy position.

He enters me again from behind and fuck I've never screamed so loud in my life.

The sound of our bodies colliding, our erotic moans, and the way he holds my neck I'm not going to last much longer.

He doesn't seem to care as he keeps pounding into me faster and harder.

"Does that feel good baby?" He whispers into my ear.

I nod but he arches my back a little more pounding into me incredibly fast "tell me how good it feels."

"Fuck Alex it feels so good please don't stop."

He laughs a little "be a good girl and cum for me."

I moan louder as he pulls my hair back so we can look at each other.

"Cum. For. Me." He says slowly but thrusts deeper with every word.

I lay my head back on his shoulder as I cum.

I expected him to stop but he didn't he kept pounding into me at the same animal speed since we started.

"Fuck baby your so perfect." He moans with his eyes closed. He fills me up with cum so deep inside me.

He finally slows down pulling out of me like sweet torture.

Before we can say anything there's a knock at the door. Fuck perfect timing.

Alex slowly lays me down but we are both still panting and sweaty.

"Do you want me to get it?" He asks putting his clothes on.

I nod to tired to say anything. I just want to sleep.

He laughs a little but goes to answer the door.

I hear some muffled voices but sleep overtakes me. My eyes flutter close until I hear someone come into the room.

"Ivy it's me, we need to talk" Cleo says looking at me in panic.

My eyes shoot open and I see Alex standing at the door way.

"Can you give us a minute?" I ask him and he nods.

"What is it?" I whisper and do my best to cover my naked body with the blanket.

"The cops came to my house and they questioned me."

My eyes go wide as I digest that information.

"What did you tell them?"

"I'm so stupid. I made a mistake and I told them I was with you the day he went missing." She says paniced and pacing the room.

"Calm down. It's ok" I try to reassure her but I'm starting to panic. I was with Alex earlier that night.

"No nothing is ok. I killed him."

I put my hand on her mouth before she can continue "keep it down remember Alex is here."

She nods and I removed my hand.

"I'm sorry I'm just scared."

"I'm scared too but we can't panic and go crazy. We need to be smart and act as innocent as possible." I try to tell her but she still seems unsure.

"Is that what your doing?" She eyes me.

"Are you just distracting Alex." She asks carefully.

"What? No I wouldn't do that. Him and I are together and I think I love him." I never told her about us but now I don't really have a choice.


I nod and she sighs.

She eyes me weirdly "Just be careful. Who knows how much Nate and him have in common."

Of course Cleo is still traumatized over the Nate situation but I need her to trust Alex especially if I'm going to tell him the truth.

"Relax. I know I can trust Alex."

She still looks at me cautiously but her shoulders visibly relax. "I just want you to be careful."

"I am, I promise we will get through this."

She nods then stands up to leave.

"I'm lucky to have such a good friend like you and I hope things do work out for you and Alex. You seem really happy" Cleo sounds sad when she says this. Her tears fall a little but before I can say anything she leaves.

I'm left speechless. She sounded so hopeless like her life is over. But it's not, I know she'll find love and happiness again.

Right now we both need a miracle to get through this.

Alex walks back in and curiosity is written all over his face.

"Is everything ok? I saw Cleo crying."

I smile a little "yeah we just had a little girl talk."

He nods and sits down smiling back at me. "Well should I draw us up a bath?"

"Sure I could definitely go for a bath" I say but I let a little seduction creep into my tone.

He laughs a little catching my drift "Your such a tease."

I can't help but smile more. I just want to spend as much time like this as I can.

Before things blow up.

Before things blow up

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