Bonus chapter 0.1

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This town is suffocating, I don't know how Alex could ever have lived here. Since arriving, I have been questioned by random people on the streets and taking their strange glances.

Don't get me wrong there's been plenty of nice people mostly just being nosey, but I respect the effort.

"Sir, can I take your cup?" An old lady asks me, while cleaning off one side of the table.

I nod still my eyes on the laptop screen Infront of me. I've been in this cafe for a while, taking meetings and finishing up some work.

"I'm sorry but we are gonna be closing soon so excuse us for cleaning up." She explains.

I sigh and being to back up.

I was ready to leave, when a young guy runs through the doors in a rush.

"I'm so sorry, grandma I got caught up with taking care of Aurora."

She waves her hand in dismissal "it's fine son, would you mind closing up I'm pretty tired."

He nods smiling and looks around noticing I'm the only person left. When our eyes lock I noticed the blush that springs on to his cheeks but he averts his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I smile a little. He definitely had the "boy next door" look and I found myself liking it.

I was bi and into both men and women. Maybe I prefered women but thats just because no guy had ever caught my eye. I found myself standing up to talk to the boy.

He did look a little younger then me and the closer I got the more his freckles appeared.

"Oh hey, are you ready to pay?" He asks, his voice waivers a little, it's so soft.

"Yep" I replied currently handing him the money.

Are fingers brush each other and I think I'm going crazy, I want more.

I want to touch him again.

Maybe I'm just horny.

It's laughable to think about such a thing when I have to go back to New York.

"Ok um, have a good day sir," He must have felt the same spark because his face is red.

I smile and send him a wink.

I wanted to be nice and not the usual asshole I was to everyone else.

"You too" I put my jacket on and walk out.

Maybe, someday I'll come back.


Holy shit, why was he so hot?

I've been working in my grandma's cafe for a while and never had I encountered someone like him.

He sent shivers up my back and a tingle down there.

I just met him, I have no idea why I was being so desperate but I really hope he's gay.

I'm obviously gay, people know everything in this small town. Some are excepting, some not so much.

I often get called names, I try not to let it bother me knowing that I will deal with it everywhere I go.

This town isn't exactly the biggest but its always been my home.

Always will be.

Before I get more time to think about a certain muscle man my phone rings. I don't have time for this.

I had a rough time trying to get my niece Aurora to sleep and now I have to clean up, closing down the cafe.

I really hope she's still asleep and my sister hasn't woken her up.

My sister was an interesting girl, getting pregnant as a teenager is hard I get it but drinking away your problems was not the best thing to do.

I sometimes wonder if she really cares for Aurora at all.

Yes, she had her issues but now she should be thinking about what's best for her daughter.

I know, it's crazy to think about but I sometimes wish Aurora was mine, she deserves more then what my sister can give.

I love that kid so much.

(This is a little Segway into the next story about Aurora)

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(This is a little Segway into the next story about Aurora)

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