15 ~ Mothers

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It's officially a Monday.

I'm at work serving people food and running around like a madwoman from the kitchen to the tables.

My hair is all messy in a bun on top of my head and I swear I'm sweating through my shirt.

"Hurry up people" I hear someone in the kitchen yelling at the cookers.

I'm glad I'm not in there.


It's finally the end of the day and I can't wait to sleep in my warm bed.

Unfortunately, while I'm walking to my place Cleo calls me.

"Hey What's up?" I ask and I untie my ponytail.

"Hey Ivy I know you just got done at work but would you mind coming over?" She asks sounding desperate.

I make a silent sigh but agree heading in the direction of her house. My legs are sore from all this walking. I should have asked Alex to pick me up but I also know he's busy working at home.

He is a CEO after all.

Meanwhile I'm just a simple waitress making a simple wage. I'm happy with the lifestyle I have but there are moments when I want more. To live in a big house with kids and a husband who cooks for me while I go to work at my dream job.

I have always wanted to be an architect but I never went to college so that dream died fast.

My mom had heart disease so I spent most of my time taking care of her and working leaving very little time for school but I managed to handle it and I graduated.

She later died and that's when I fell apart. I would party and drink all the time throwing away chances for college. Lucky for me I had Cleo she was like my angel healing me from my heartbreak.

I'm not saying I'm completely healed but every day is a little better.

I hope you're proud of me mom.

I finally arrived at Cleo's house as I knock on the door. My legs feel so wobbly and my body is aching. It almost feels as bad as after I had sex with Alex but at least he took care of me after.

Cleo opens the door smiling wide "Yes! thank God you're here" she hugs me.

"Oh yeah, what's going on," I say struggling to speak as she traps me in a bone-crushing hug.

"My mom's here" she speaks as she lets me go but grips my shoulders.

I laugh a little "ok relax it's not the end of the world where is she?" I ask. Cleo and her mom have an interesting relationship there not close but they put on a cover to act like they are.

I was super close to my mom because she was the only parent I have ever known. I've never had a dad at least, I don't know who he is.

So I don't get their dynamic.

"To me, it is she keeps going on about what she does to keep a man."

I cringe. is this normal for them to talk about that kind of thing?

"Ok ok, what do you want me to do?" I ask.

"Just distract her for a little while I go out."

"Wait where are you going?" I ask suspiciously.

I don't want to be here alone while her mom talks about how she made Cleo.

"I promised Nate I would see him."

"What? But she's your mom why are you ditching me and her for Nate" I say anger slipping into my words.

"Please I promise it will only be for a little bit."

I frown and sigh conflicted "fine but no more than an hour" I state firmly.

"Thank you so much you're a lifesaver" she squeals then heads out the door.

"Yeah just hurry back."

So here I am sitting on the couch while Cleo's mother goes on about how her marriage is going and how her other kids are. All I asked is how she was, I never wanted her whole life story.

"So how are you? Any boyfriends?" She finally stopped one of her rants.

"Oh yeah, I have one." I'm trying to be vague because I don't know how many people know Alex, he is a popular CEO so I don't want to draw unnecessary attention to him or us.

"Is he cute? I bet he's cute you always had a good taste"

Good taste. I have never had a boyfriend before.

"Yeah he's very cute" I'm trying to be polite but who cares what he looks like.

"That's good I've seen pictures of Nate you know Cleo's boyfriend but he doesn't look very good."

I couldn't agree more I wanted to say but it would make Cleo mad so instead, I say "He's alright I guess."

"Do you know anything about him because Cleo didn't answer any of my questions."

"I don't get involved with their relationship."

She frows "Oh well that's alright I guess I'll just have to do some digging myself."

That's not creepy at all. Shouldn't her mom just be happy that Cleo is with someone and not worried about what his looks are or how much money he has.

After some more talking Cleo finally comes back sitting beside her mom "Sorry I had some things to do but I'm back now."

They share glances but it feels tense before her mom says "it's fine we have just been catching up."

I smile at Cleo but as I observe her face I notice a small bruise on her cheek.

What the fuck is going on?

Wasn't she with Nate?

Did he do that to her?

Did he do that to her?

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