25 ~ Trust

32 2 0


When I first suggested doing an article on my brother I didn't know my name would be apart of it. The last thing I need is people profiting off the grief of my family's suffering.

I will do my best to keep my mom out of the spot light while I help the police with there investigation.

The first step is to question Cleo. I know it won't be easy but she dated him. That's the only lead I can think of.

My car comes to a stop at Cleo's house. I've been sitting here for an hour debating if this is a good idea. I can't loose ivy but what if Cleo does know something?

How well do I really know her?

Stop. I know shes a good person. I just need a lead, any little clue to help the police.

"Hey Cleo." I say stepping up to the door just catching her before she comes out of the house.

Her first reaction went to shock her eyes widen in surprise then to almost scared... I don't know.

"Oh hey Alex, what are you doing here?"

"Well I was hoping we could talk. I know it's not easy but I think we should talk about Nate." No need to beat around the bush.

"Ok but can we talk later? I have some things to do."

She seemed on edge with bags under her eyes probably from Nate's death. I feel like an idiot I shouldn't be here this all must be hard for her just as much.

"That's fine. Just let me know if you need anything" I smile at her.

She smiles a little but looks defeated " I really appreciate that and same goes to you. I really hope you and ivy are happy."

With that being said she walks away.

I can't explain but there's something off about how she acted. I know she's grieving but I can't shake this feeling that something more is happening and I'm just not seeing it.

I hate being in the dark. The unknown scares me more then anything and that's all Nate's death reminded me of.

Fuck I need to see Ivy.

She's been with me through this and I think that it's more important than the amount of time we have known each other.

I suppose that scares me as well. I'm attached to Ivy who I've only know for less than a month yet I was never like this with Nate who I grew up with.

Nate has always been my brother but family is just blood that doesn't always mean they will love you unconditionally.

But we still try.

But we still try

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