30 ~ Sacrifices

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After last night I'm not sure how much more I can take. Ivy revealed a lot to me. We separated on bad terms, uncertain of what to do.

Last I saw of Ivy she was crying begging for forgiveness not for herself, but rather for Cleo. I get that they have a bond stronger then anything I can even comprehend but it still doesn't take away from the pain they have brought me.

My brain still can't comprehend all the information Ivy has given me. She was alone for so long. Cleo was also alone but in a different way.

They both have been through so much and been together.

It sucks to hear.

It hurts that Ivy loves Cleo more then anyone.

More than anyone.

Could she ever love me?

Love me like that?

My phone rings suddenly. I don't answer right away because my thoughts still are agitating me.

I take a breath and read the caller id.

Damnit, it's the police station.

"Hello how can I help you?"

No. Too formal.

If I'm going to go through this, I'm going to need a clear head before I do something.

"Hey Alexander, we have great news!"

I gulp. I don't like the sound of this.

"We have someone in custody. They have information on Nate." He says enthusiasticly.

"Oh great. Who is it..?" I'm nervous. No I'm shaking.

"Ivy Thomas."


I immediately hang up and grab my car keys.

What is she doing?

What is she thinking?

I drive quickly to the office a million questions going through my head. A million possiblities.

This can't be good.

A weird haunting feeling comes over me as I park. It scares me to know the end is coming.

But there's another feeling I can't explain like relief maybe because I didn't have to make the decision.

It's all been so confusing mostly because I felt loved by Ivy and I did feel a certain friendship with Cleo.

But now it all feels like a distant memory.

Now the memories turns into nightmares. I don't want to see them in pain especially by me.

Time to face them.

I walk in and I am immediately directed to the dark, drafty office.

Ivy is alone with the officer across from her.

No Cleo.

Where the hell is Cleo?

I swear Ivy will be the death of me. Pardon the pun.

I sit down and can see Ivy is restless. Her puffy dark eyes.

The officer eyes me weirdly almost as if he senses my anxiety. Including the tension in the room.

"Ivy can you repeat everything you have said to me." He says coldly at her.

"I um well" she folds her hands on the table.

She looks at me for the first time since I have arrived.

"I saw Nate before he died. I was walking and he was headed towards the river. I didn't think and followed him."

She gulps. No Ivy stop talking. What are you doing?

"We had an argument and I stormed off.. then later I figured out he had died." The way she talked was monotone.

She kept it short giving away no specific details but the cops will see her as guilty.

The officer turns to me, studying my face.

"I- ok." Im left speechless.

He smiles a little "Alex we have a lead now."

He turns back to Ivy with a straight stone cold face. "I'm sorry Ivy but we will have to keep you in custody until we know more or you just confess..." He suggested playing as casual.

She gulps then her mouth opens and I'm panicking.

Cursing Cleo for this.

No way is Ivy doing this.

I cut her off before she can continue and do something stupid.

"I did it."


What have I done?

What have I done?

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